South DaCola

Ironic Johnny, still a Thune-Bag

It doesn’t bother me that John says stupid shit like this, it bothers me more that people believe it;

The permit for the Keystone XL is being delayed while officials look at re-routing the pipeline in Nebraska.

The U.S. State Department says the permit likely won’t be approved until 2013 because of the changes to the route.

But, South Dakota Republican Senator John Thune, who supports the project, believes the pipeline permit is being delayed so President Obama doesn’t have to make a decision before the 2012 election.

“This issue, the Keystone Pipeline, splits the President’s base,” Thune said. “He’s got labor unions in support of building the pipeline. He’s got environmental groups that are opposed to it. Those are both groups that he needs going into his re-election in 2012. I think you can’t call this anything but what it is, which is purely and simply a politically motivated decision.”

So he is trying to either alienate or coddle his two main supporters? Huh?

Everybody knows the pipeline is needed to refine gasoline for the Chinese. There is very little benefit to Americans. But that doesn’t stop John from making this about birth certificates and secret muslims.

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