Wow! This was taken at 57th & Western by a South DaCola foot soldier. This has to be a whole new low by a campaign. Unless you are talking about Andy Traub’s yard. I just had a poll watcher at the auditor’s office tell me that from the counts she saw so far coming in, it is 50-50 leaning NO.

By l3wis

20 thoughts on “Is build it now having sign holders dress up like firefighters now?”
  1. If these are Labor Ready folks………..

    “leave them alone”……….!!!!!!!!!!

    They’re just trying to survive!!!

    I would have much rather seen some of the “suits” that were giving pubic input at Carnegie last night…..

    stand out on the corner waving a “YES” sign!!!

  2. I’m sure the ethics board gave Huether full approval of using the firefighters to ‘advocate;… this guy’s probably out there while his bros are taking the ladder truck to get groceries.

  3. SS – You can have 50/50 leaning. She thought it seemed like a good matchup, but would occassionally see more NO votes then yes votes.

  4. Thanks for the reference. Build It Now was pretty classy about coming to get the signs right away. They even owned it and said that they can’t track where people take the signs but they likely came from the BIN office.

    It truly is sad if BIN had to hire people to hold signs. There could have been a LOT of engaged citizens in this conversation but instead we got big money donors and very little citizen engagement. I’d rather see citizens duke it out than big payments.

  5. “I’d rather see citizens duke it out than big payments.”

    Hate to break you the news, though I agree, it just doesn’t work that way in SF. Money speaks volumes in SF. I just hope today (that lack of money) in people’s pockets speaks volumes.

  6. People holding signs at 41 & Minn. as well. Didn’t look like labor ready folks. Cast my “no” vote. Will pop some popcorn and watch the results tonight.

  7. How much sleep has that guy gottn in the past week I wonder?? Tonight should be some high theater.

  8. There was a guy holding a sign at Cliff and 26th reading “Need Every YES vote”. That was about 5:30 PM.

  9. I also saw someone also holding a Vote Yes sign…and all I could think of was how money sure can buy “shove down your throat” advertising. Two signs up at the voting place with of course one strategically placed to cover up the vote no sign when you drove in.

  10. BIN even has a ball room reserved for their supporters to watch the vote count. First time I ever heard of a special election having “party.”

  11. “If these are Labor Ready folks………..”

    I saw him standing outside Labor Ready yesterday. It’s a “whole new low” that some poor guy has to get publicly bashed for doing nothing more than trying to earn a buck.

  12. I was unaware we were bashing this guy? I think I was bashing BIN for dressing him up like this. I understand he was just trying to make a buck.

  13. Did they dress him or are those his? When I saw him he was off work and still wearing those same cloths. Did he steal them or were they his?

  14. Have you ever been into labor ready? They have all kinds of construction gear that I think they supply workers with. I wouldn’t doubt if he got paid extra to wear this getup. Doesn’t matter either way, just kinda funny what people will do for money, and what a campaign will do to get votes.

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