I kind of chuckle how all of these stories are coming out ‘AFTER’ the vote. Anyhoo, Lalley was trying to be clever with Hudson’s name;

There’s no question that The Haggard Music Elitist was deeply opposed to the plan for the events center. He is a skeptic — if not an outright cynic — on many of the issues facing our fair city, so this is not a surprise. He’s also been involved on and off in the entertainment business and pays attention to what sells and what does not.

Cynic? Get outta here!

Hudson goes on to talk about the percentage of population that would have to attend concerts/events in SF is much higher then in competing markets (I think he commented on this site about it also);

“There are roughly 228,000 people in the Sioux Falls metro area. What’s that translate to?”

“I didn’t bring a calculator.”

“Five point three percent.”

“That is a lot. They’ll have to draw from a wider area to make it work, I suspect.”

“Yes, they will. And there’s this myth that having more seats than the Arena means the ticket prices will go down,” he continued. “How many promoters do you know who drop the price of a ticket from one city to another?”

“I don’t know any promoters.”

“I do. They don’t.”

I did however enjoy this comment from a reader;

I really didn’t care for the article. And I really don’t quite know why. Maybe because I don’t care for the “as I was walking down the street an old friend came up” approach.

Actually, it pretty much went down that way, and Pat and Scott have known each other for longer then they both would have liked to admit.


16 Thoughts on “My podcast co-host Scott ‘Haggard Music Elitist’ Hudson weighs in on the Events Center decision

  1. Hey Scott H. Thanx for the George Harrison stuff on the Ledge.

  2. Hey Poly, glad you liked it!

  3. If Pat didn’t have an opinion one way or the other on the event center, did he even vote?

  4. Hudson goes on to talk about the percentage of population that would have to attend concerts/events in SF is much higher then in competing markets (I think he commented on this site about it also)

    Scott has had this thing pegged from day 1. He cornered the good mayor on this point on rant-a-bit. The good mayor said the McArena is not about entertainment, but instead about drawing conventions. That’s BS. If that’s the make or break on this thing, we’re going to lose even faster than on the entertainment front. Conventions nationally, like a lot of similar venues, (consider job training), are going to on line concepts simply because of cutting back on the expenses of travel, lodging, and dining.

  5. What the public needs to be concerned about NOW, is the Council vote this Monday at the 7:00 meeting!!

    Negotiated vs. Competitive Bond Sale……

    And, the possibility that the repayment period will be extended from 22 years to 26 years!

    **The information that Mike and his team gave to the public was a 22 year repayment period with an end date of 2033. The information that Doug Hajek, bond counsel, gave to the Council last week is that the final maturity date could be as late as 2037!!!

    I CANNOT believe that we have not heard a word from the local media about this…they’ve had since Monday to be talking about a bond sale that could potentially cost us “more” (negotiated), put us at more risk, and take longer to pay off!!!!!!!!!!!!! (see siouxfalls.org November 14, 2011, 7:00 Council meeting, Ray Woodsend public input)

  6. The south end who voted overwhelmingly for the EC didn’t realize it wasn’t being built for their concerts but for conventions instead. Funny! I have never ever gone to a convention at an events center. I wish I could stop thinking about this whole thing but it’s really only started. We have seen nothing yet!

  7. Yes, in hindsight it’s hilarious the bait and switch these guys all did. It was all about concerts to the general public and people like Stu Whitney who know nothing about the music business. When challenged by those who do understand that 8000 seats is perfect for this market it suddenly was all about conventions.

  8. Watch out Las Vegas, here comes Sioux Falls!

  9. I still think it was about neither concerts or conventions. I think it was about making some quick money for local bond investors, bankers and contractor/developers.

  10. I still think it was about neither concerts or conventions. I think it was about making some quick money for local bond investors, bankers and contractor/developers.

    After watching last Mondays Informational Meeting I tend to agree.

  11. It’s always been about the $$$/jobs/taxes/property values. That’s what it should have always been about. That’s the ONLY reason these things are ever built. I always thought that was pretty clear?????

  12. Maybe I did not phrase it right. A FEW getting rich on the backs of taxpayers. The trickle down to the rest of us in economic development will be minimal while services provided thru the 2nd penny will be cut do to cost overruns, bond payments and subsidies.

  13. Analog Kid on November 21, 2011 at 2:11 pm said:

    That’s right Poly43, to add, a careful study on the convention center will only turn away medium conventions as the costs for a larger “single room” venue will rise when the floor of the inefficient arena are factored in and the loading zones are worse than sub par.

    Cedar Rapids, IA has the same size population. They did it right allowing the tradeshows and convention centers to be 100% hosted by private hotels and they are booked solid because they are do in such a way to be affordable. As for arena sports they have a perfect non-mega low cost modern multi-use arena which sells out (6 to 10K seats) causing a premium for tickets. All seats are great seats as it was refurbished and is getting upgraded now – sort of like what could have been done to the SF one.
    They also have a 2nd Ice arena which seats 4000. Two centers for the price of one.

  14. Analog Kid on November 21, 2011 at 2:15 pm said:

    I thought you would all like this. My Man Mike’s brother. Chip from the same block:

  15. Pathloss on November 22, 2011 at 10:44 am said:

    228,000 in the Sioux Falls metro area. Nearly 100,000 are smart enough to live outside city limits so they’ll not pay more taxes for an events center. Could they have voted, the city will not be faced with bankruptcy in about 5 years.

  16. Pathloss on November 22, 2011 at 10:55 am said:

    Analog Kid, that’s a perfect video link applicable to Huether and why there’s an OWC movement. I watched it all. Looks like Huether reading from the ‘Millionaire Book’.

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