South DaCola

UPDATE: Now you see it, now you don’t.

Update: Bob Litz invited Theresa Stehly today to be the poll watcher tomorrow when they open the absentee ballots.

And just for clarification, the top picture was taken by Ellis at the Argus Leader. I took the bottom picture the ONE time I drove by.

(Top Image: Ellis, Argus Leader • Bottom image: me

It only took about 24 hours, but Minnehaha County Auditor, Bob Litz figured out it was not such a good idea to post a Pro-Events Center sign in his yard (seeing that he is the one responsible for counting the votes and all).

But that did not stop his wife from calling citizen advocate Theresa Stehly and telling her,

“The signs were hers and she supports the events center, so they are staying up.”

But they are down. Hmmm . . .

Hope your night on the couch was comfortable Bob? No worries, rumor has it our mayor prefers couches over beds.

Anyhoo, on a serious note, this should alarm voters. I think this vote will be tight, could even come to a recount. Can we trust a county auditor who supports one side of the issue to be fair and balanced in the event of a recount?

Absentee ballot envelope opening starts about 2 PM on Tuesday, it might be a good idea to have an (opposition) poll watcher in the auditor’s office making sure things are on the up and up. Wonder what Litz’s wife is up to that day? Fluffing couch pillows? Maybe she could be a poll watcher for the supporters?

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