South DaCola

Odds and Ends


I’ll make this quick.

• South DaCola is planning some reconstruction over the winter. New look and other fun stuff. Stay tuned.

• Our next Rant-A-Bit podcast will be recorded on December 6th. Scott and I have no planned guests, but if you would like to join us, drop us a line, we may be able to work something out. Pre-warning. Vodka and cussing (may) be involved.

• I have a meeting scheduled with Mayor Huether at his office on December 13th to chew the fat. I plan to give minutes of the meeting on South DaCola.

• Not sure if you saw this tidbit at Monday’s SF city council’s informational meeting, but they have been discussing moving the city council meetings to Tuesdays. I like the idea, and I think the change WILL happen.

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