South DaCola

Teabaggers UNITE!

Here is an email that Dr. Allen Unruh sent out recently to his fellow baggers;

Dear Tea Party Patriots;

Mitt Romney spoke at the annual Chamber of Commerce in Sioux Falls. Liberals and the Republican establishment are pushing hard to make Romney the nominee. They feel if Obama loses, he is the closest to their ideology of Obama Care,  and big government control as well as being the weakest on conservative cultural issues.   Obama promised everything and anything to get elected and then governed from the radical far left.

If Obama is ruling from the far left I would hate to see a real liberal as our president. He has much in common with GW Bush.

From Gerald Ford,  to Bob Dole to John McCain,  everytime the establishment picks the candidate it is devastating for America.   Why?  Because principles matter,  character matters,  the Constitution,  Bill of Rights and words in the Declaration of Independence matter.   Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.    George Washington warned,  “In questions of confidence,  let us hear no more of confidence in man,  but bind them down from mischief by the chains of the constitution.”    He said,  “Government is like fire,  a dreadful servant and a fearful master.”   At best it is a necessary evil.   Abe Lincoln said,  “Nothing demonstrates the character of a man more than what they do when they are given power.”   Man’s greatest gift is his power of love,  his greatest downfall is his love of power.”

This time our nation cannot afford to get it wrong.  We are on the brink of losing our country.  If we go straight socialistic there is no turning back.

This country has been socialistic for generations. The only reason why our country is in the shitter is because we chipped away at those social programs to supply tax cuts to the wealthy. We have become a shit pile, because the TOP 1% control this country, and throw bread crumbs to rest of us. And that is the very reason people are protesting;

The protestors in NY hate capitalism,  hate America,  hate the flag,  and are a mix of communists,  socialists and anarchists. They know every 4 letter word except SOAP and WORK.

Here is an eight letter word for you Allen; BULLSHIT! The OWS protestors are more of a slice of the American Pie then any teabagger is or ever will be.

If they overthrow the government where would they get their welfare checks?    The tea party movement has to make a decision who is the most conservative candidate who stands on principle,  and do everything we can to eliminate the most liberal candidate no matter how much money they have,  or popularity.    Not only is the future of America at stake,  but civilization itself.

Civilization has been in trouble for a long time, that won’t change because of few guys holding signs and wearing tri-cornered hats.

This information on Mitt Romney should be forwarded to everyone on all of your lists   We must start an aggressive campaign to inform the voters and remind them of his record.  The Bible says,  “By their fruits ye shall know them.”   We can’t look at what they say,  Look at what they did when they were in power!”

God Bless America,

Dr. Allen Unruh

“If you will not fight for your rights when you can win without bloodshed,  if you will not fight when victory can be sure and not too costly,  you will come to the moment when you have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.”   Winston Churchill

“By their fruits ye shall know them.” – I couldn’t agree more, accept the fruits of OWS doesn’t come from the multi-billionaire Koch brothers.

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