I’ll have to give props to Callison from the Argue Endorser for writing a pro-snowgates column today;

More than 125 people attended last week’s meeting on snowgates.

As the allotted hour stretched to the 90-minute mark, when I called it quits, one thing quickly became clear: Sioux Falls residents who live in the test areas last year really love snowgates.

So much so that when Huber, the city’s street and utilities manager, broke the news that they would have to do without them this winter, people groaned in disappointment.

I whimpered a little myself.

Count me among those who love-love-love snowgates.

That’s because #1 they work (even better when they don’t use an inferior product) and #2 it is a service being provided to citizens, something we already pay dearly for. There are some drawbacks though;

The negative feedback mainly dealt with how narrow streets became after being cleared with the snowgates, he said.

Fair enough. But ALL streets get narrower, with or without snowgates, especially in central SF. I cut thru Pettigrew Heights almost everyday on my way to work, and those streets are narrow without snow. The other drawback is it will take longer to plow the city out. I can live with that, I have often said if we are going to plow the streets, do it right. Which of course brings it to costing more. Well duh. But if we have all kinds of money for monkey crappers and events centers, we certainly have a couple of million more a year for snowgates, which brings us to this comment;

Young with kid: I’m a fan of snowgates. There are very few things I would ever say charge me for, but I am willing to pay more for that. (After he finished speaking, someone called out, “I’d rather pay for snowgates than the events center.” That drew the biggest applause of the evening.)

To Hell with Build it Now, I say Plow it Now!


15 Thoughts on “The snowgate issue is not going away

  1. Pathloss on November 22, 2011 at 10:25 am said:

    Service to citizens. Must be a misprint or you’re talking about somewhere else. Sioux Falls is not known as citizen friendly. With a 330 million budget for 150,000 people, you’d think they’d have to do some service for citizens. Even if it was a mistake.

  2. Young With Kid on November 22, 2011 at 11:32 am said:

    I called Jill to tell her the article was great and she quoted me correctly. I didn’t even bring up the EC but somebody really took my line about “paying for it” and it DID get the biggest applause of the night. These people are PASSIONATE about snow gates. Young and old…this issue isn’t going away because snow is something that ALL citizens are affected by, unlike an EC. I’m gonna be on the front lines fighting for this and there are already City Councilors working on ways to fund it. It takes me 2+ hours to get my driveway entrance cleared and I have a snowblower. The city can clear it in less than 10 seconds.

    Galen runs that department and he’s AWESOME at what he does. We just need to give him the money to get it done and he’ll get it done.

  3. You are right Andy, it comes down to funding. You would think the contractors would be for this, it will take them longer to plow streets which means more $$ for them.

  4. Yes, and I have heard Jamison has changed his mind on this issue.

  5. Surprise, surprise!

  6. Andy Traub on November 22, 2011 at 3:33 pm said:

    I think it’s good when people changer their mind based on evidence. I’d rather people change their minds because of evidence than be pig-headed and never change their mind about anything.

  7. Kinda how I look at it too. I have tried in the past to convince Greg to change his mind on snowgates, and he wouldn’t budge. So I was glad to hear the other day he was reconsidering.

  8. Andy Traub on November 22, 2011 at 3:42 pm said:

    Where’d you hear he changed his mind? He listens to his constituents…gotta give him props for that.

  9. A friend of mine who talks to him quite a bit on the tele told me he had a change of heart.

  10. Snow gates are a Quality of Life issue. A Quality of Life issue that will impact many more SF citizens than the EC ever will!!

    There are only two types of snow gates manufactured. The Ironics and the Henke snow gates. Last winter the city tested the Ironics, this winter they will be testing the Henke snow gates, which are more expensive and will also prove to be more effective.

    I asked the Mayor about the testing and he said that once the testing is done this winter the Council will then make the decision on whether or not to appropriate money for snow gates for the entire city.

    The Council’s vote will occur after Gaylen Huber makes his final report to them.

    I was at the snow gate meeting. By the looks of the turnout, it would not be too difficult to collect the necessary signatures to take this to a public vote. (if the Council votes “NO” to snow gates!!)

  11. cornholio on November 22, 2011 at 8:37 pm said:

    I have it on good authority that the city ordered the Henke snow gates late this fall and they won’t arrive for installation and testing until sometime in January. Not a full season test if that’s true. Someone needs to ask Huber about this.

  12. I’m sure it is true. Because like I have said, they are a superior product and will put the one they used last year to shame, we can’t have that? Can we?

  13. Galen Huber confirmed this at the snow gate meeting.

    The Henke snow gates will not be ready to use until January. (we have had snow storms as early as November)

    They have known since at least last spring that they were going to test the “other” type of snow gate.

    One might think that they are trying to “sabotage” the test………….!!!!

    This could be a “talking point” during the petition drive…………..!!

  14. Angry Guy on November 23, 2011 at 8:43 am said:

    buncha damn whiners… maybe you should all go pitch tents and Occupy City Hall until you get your way. I’m thankful that I own a kick ass snow blower and have the gumption to get out there and shovel my shit out instead of waiting for someone else to fix my problem before I have one. BooFuckinHoo that it snows and the plows have the AUDACITY to clear your street for you. Don’t like it? Too fuckin bad. Once I get to the point that shoveling out my driveway is too much work, I’ll move. Either that, or I’ll jump on the bandwagon and start complaining like a bunch of lazy blue hairs. Losers…
    It reminds me of this for some reason.

  15. Sure, this all coming from a guy whose driveway is a 6′ x 6′ patch in a neighborhood that code enforcement hasn’t just forgotten about but fear entering it. Do they even plow your street? Aren’t you in ZONE 0?

    I don’t have a problem with scooping out my driveway, in fact I have owned my house for 9 years and have yet to buy a snowblower. I just think if I am paying to have the streets plowed, shouldn’t they be plowing them correctly? It all comes down to customer service.

    “This is snow people! And guess what it will be in 100 years! Snow!”

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