South DaCola

Worth reposting

Ellis posted this and I called him and told him shortly after the poster first went up someone pasted a picture of Kermit’s face over the top of it and was up for several days. I don’t think the airport staff is too quick to remove it, if not responsible for it. I think they should make it a magnetic board and let people ‘dress up the mayor’

Holsen brings up his crying fit the other day, so it prompted me to pass on this email from a South DaCola foot soldier about the event;

I was at the Diversity Conference today over at the Ramkota, and the good mayor gave a 8 – 10 minute speech during lunch.  He spoke about him being poor growing up in Yankton and how when he went through the lunch line he had to show an orange ticket showing how he was getting free or reduced price meals.  Apparently this was his way of identifying himself as someone who knows what it is like to be different and as such he understands diversity. The best part?  He stopped his speech not once… but twice in order to cry. Once included a solid 15 seconds of silence as he choked back the tears.  Seriously.  It was incredibly uncomfortable and as I scanned the room I noticed quite a few smirks from people who have seen it before. Then as soon as his speech was done… he bolted for the door faster than Rosie O’Donnell heading for a free cheesecake buffet.

If I had eyes like that I would be crying to.
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