The new album is out on Tuesday, VIDEO.

the new digs sound a bit like one of my other faves, The Eagles of Death Metal


5 Thoughts on “Music Club w/ The Black Keys

  1. The new one is really good.

  2. Angry Guy on December 1, 2011 at 4:57 pm said:


  3. That video is awesome. Guess what the first person that came to mind when I saw it? Janoct.

  4. hosenpheffer on December 2, 2011 at 11:21 am said:

    I danced with Janoct last night at L44 cock and balls night. DJ spinning the 80s tunes. The man that should have been mayor was trying to show me how to dance, swiveling his hips. I don’t dance like he does.

  5. The bartender where I work told me tonight that Janoct doesn’t drink the water in SF because of ‘chemicals’ (he is a regular and sits at the bar). I laughed and thought to myself, ‘but Slumshine donuts that you buy with pennies are good for you.’

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