Expansion is just around the corner, uh, I mean, next door.

I held off for awhile reading Beck’s column in Sunday’s paper, because as usual, he says and claims ridiculous things, and he did not disappoint. I will start by saying that I do agree with him on one comment;

It is representative, as I look back over the past year, of a long list of outstanding efforts our journalists at Argus Leader Media have produced to “serve the public” — a platitude at some places, perhaps, but not here.

I will agree he has some very talented journalists working for them, unfortunately, they are often over-edited and hamstrung on many stories by people like himself who are more concerned about their next big bicycle ride or if their son’s band will succeed.

Then he goes on to talk about the ‘power’ the AL’s sword wields;

And following up last spring on a series of articles about the lack of oversight and standards for in-home day care in Sioux Falls, intense pressure on multiple fronts from Argus Leader Media encouraged, cajoled and pushed the city to actually make inspection reports available to the public online — a first.

Does the AL have influence? Damn right they do, so much influence they did very little opposition stories about the Events Center until AFTER the thing passed. But it didn’t stop Randy from patting himself on the back;

But we think big and aim high. We take seriously our role in providing provocative watchdog journalism that serves the broad public —and this special place we call home.

And let’s just take the EC vote as an example of ‘watchdog’ media. Not only did they proudly endorse this boondoggle they refused to dig into the repayment schedule, the interest rate, tenants, corporate sponsorship, the ethics behind city promotion, the conflicts of interest councilor Entenman has and the firing of Debra Owen. Sure, there were ‘stories’ but often after the fact, watered down and too late to make a difference. Watchdog journalism, IMO, tells the public the WHOLE story and in a timely manner. You know, that thing called the Fourth Estate. Once again, Beck, too little, too late and in 2-4 years when they are auctioning off the corner of 10th and Minnesota I will gladly put in a bid of $1. I’m sure the YMCA is salivating at the thought of expansion.

11 Thoughts on “One constant, Argue Endorser’s publisher is still delusional

  1. It was a pretty sanctimonious piece. One galling item was blaming the corps for the flood – when they had to deal with downstream flooding, full reservoirs, upstream rains and snow pack, and legions of FOOLS who developed in the flood plain. The Argus never once addressed the selfish state, county, municipal, and private citizens who allowed or built in flood plains – despite the lessons from Rapid City, Vermillion, Pierre and Ft. Pierre, and Niobrara.

    In too many things the solution to SD’s problems is simple or self-evident but South Dakotans and their political hacks lack the will. For example, look at the on-going hand-wringing series on DUI. Treatment, shreatment, 24/7. Please. They are a waste of time and evasion of accountability by individuals, lawyers, legislators, and the courts. The “DUI problem” was essentially solved by the actions taken by the northern European nations: low blood alcohol limits (0.05 or lower), heavy fines ($4,000 to more than $10,000), forfeit the vehicle (the tool of the crime), and wearing the orange jumpsuit for months at a time or serving actual jail time.

    Same for “education problem”. Over 20 nations solved it. But for South Dakotans and the Argus its more fun to expend forests of newsprint and gallons of ink chasing non-solutions.

  2. Would have to agree on all points. It is one thing to point out a problem, it is entirely different to offer a solution. Not to dwell, but I saw that with the EC debate, how many times did the AL have the opportunity to show the cons of the place, and chose not to. Like I have said before, I support the vote of the people, but in a fair forum.

  3. Pathloss on December 12, 2011 at 9:55 am said:

    If you’re looking for the real story, come to this site. The best example of suppressed press is the Argus. It’s not just because the city is the biggest advertiser in the newspaper, there’s a network of marxist’s (including Beck) who support one world government and kiss up to the local Three Amigo Developers. KELO too is guilty of propaganda presentations. There’s Jews burning but the Morrell’s smell covers suspicion.

  4. I don’t think I always cover the truth, but I try to put a different perspective on things. What I don’t like is blind adherence to dogma, blatantly uninformed blathering or just plain hatred.

  5. . . . that was a quote, btw.

  6. Scott, what the AL needs is you on their new Opinion Board…..now that would shake things up (seriously)!!!!!!!!!

  7. Maybe that was one of Beck’s satirical pieces, like the Dan Scott piece.

  8. cr – I applied, as I have in the past, and never heard a peep, which I expected. If people like you, or me, or the Big ‘T’ voiced their opin in that POS newspaper, the uninformed voter might start thinking for themselves and gather other opinions about things that have nothing to do with selling more advertising or boondoggle agendas. The AL and Beck especially talk a big game and deliver a poorly played round of lawn darts.

  9. “Satirical piece” lol. Well played, Scott!

    Seriously, that was one of the most self-serving pieces of crap I have ever read – and I once read the “autobiography” of Brian Bosworth! Oh, well, can’t afford to offend anyone with actual reporting – the ad department needs that check to clear. A nice fantasy would be to win the Powerball and buy KDLT – then proceed to just rip the guts out of every pompous ass windbag pol, developer, etc. Hell, they might even get some viewers…

  10. Well written! I couldnt agree more. The AL has really continued to spiral downwards…I quit subscribing because I was tired of seeing them publish rants from our local prison inmates weighing in on local issues. (They are FELONS! and in PRISON! Their opinion means nothing to me!)

  11. And in SD felons can’t vote.

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