December 2011

Who is running for SF city council this spring?

I’m back, and I promise not to wear the beige suit ever again.

I will break this down quite casually.


Kermit Staggers for At Large seat left vacant by Vern ‘The Velvet Hammer’ Brown

Kenny Anderson Jr., the incumbent. Not sure who would run against him?

Mark Millage vs. appointed goat roaster Dean Karsky & Hutch.


Greg Jamison running for a second term.


I have nothing. I have not heard one peep about anybody else considering running for office. And why would I? We got our events center, what more could we need?

Thanks for the props Andy

Past Rant-A-Bit guest and community guru Traub wrote about our local newspaper dying and gave some kudos to the blogosphere;

Citizen Reporters
I read two blogs for local news. SouthDacola and Jennifer’s Musings. Their articles are usually well researched (especially Jen’s) and their commenting system is much more fun to be a part of (even though it’s not connected to Facebook). I know for a fact that some of these blogs get tens of thousands of readers a month. I also know that most if not all elected officials read those blogs because some of them get very upset by the accountability they bring. Each writer has a small army of volunteer reporters working for them as well. Volunteers sure keep the payroll down.

Thanks Andy!

Argue Endorser column full of inaccuracies

Oh, what a great feel good story about saving Christmas trees on Christmas, except the fact that the story is inaccurate on many levels (READ FIRST)

I can’t tell you everything that is wrong with the column, nor can I tell you my source, but let’s just say it is pretty dependable. This is what I can point out though;

1) The city did not ask her to cut down the tree, it was, however, an option, they were simply asking her to trim it.

2) She appealed to the city council instead of the adjustment board, which would have been proper procedure.

3) But here is the kicker, some wonder if this is a political stunt by the ‘savior of widows and orphans‘ Jacobson who is considering a run for either a possibly redistricted County Commission seat, or a newly created legislative district seat (Dist. #6) – that has only one current incumbent? Rumor has it he spoon fed this story to Callison. Not sure if that is true, but with all the errors, one wonders.

Lastly, my two cents. I amazes me that the AL would do a column about the supposed corruption of Lennox’s city government when it comes to code enforcement, but throws a blind eye to the ‘George Orwell 1984’ style of code enforcement in Sioux Falls. Next time may I suggest you write a column about big brother in our own backyard.


Give it up already!

State senator Tom Nelson doesn’t give a rip what the voters want. (Image: KELO-TV screenshot)

Here we go again, another rich state senator wanting to mess with the will of the people. Hey Tom, the people voted and told you NO SMOKING IN BARS AND RESTAURANTS. Don’t like, tough titty. I think this guy said it best;

“They keep saying that people aren’t coming because of the non-smoking, but that’s not true. It’s the economy.  Nobody has got any money to spend,” Deadwood visitor Richard Feiok said.


Music Club w/ The Rev and The Cramps (H/T – Hudson)


Love the Rev, and reminds me of my most memorable musician moments. The first time I met Horton was at the Pomp Room after a show, and he told me that going to a Cramps concert in the early 80’s changed his whole perspective on music and rockabilly. Amen.
