One of my dear artist friend lost her dog, Pepper. My heart goes out. Pepper was such a sweetheart.

3 Thoughts on “RIP Pepper

  1. It’s tough to lose a long-time companion. I have great sympathy for this just now. I had to put down my giant black cat last month – Max – 14 years old. He once came to the back door complaining much more loudly than the usual chirping to get in and led me out to the fish pond where a baby rabbitt had fallen in. Took it out and dried it off and when it eventually hopped away, Max watched – then went back to his spot on the deck. A really gentle creature he was. Still sad around the house.

  2. Rufus. That is a great pic of your friend on the Argus forum. I still use pics of my two labs I have lost in the last six years. When I had to have my first put down a friend gave me a book to read. I read it then, and I read it again three years later when my next lab passed. They were great dogs, as I’m sure Pepper was. A couple of quotes from that book, Marley & Me.

    “A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbol means nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog judges others not by their color or creed or class but by who they are inside. A dog doesn’t care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his. It was really quite simple, and yet we humans, so much wiser and more sophisticated, have always had trouble figuring out what really counts and what does not. As I wrote that farewell column to Marley, I realized it was all right there in front of us, if only we opened our eyes. Sometimes it took a dog with bad breath, worse manners, and pure intentions to help us see….

    ….Then I dropped my forehead against his and sat there for a long time, as if I could telegraph a message through our two skulls, from my brain to his. I wanted to make him understand some things.

    You know all that stuff we’ve always said about you?” I whispered. “What a total pain you are? Don’t believe it. Don’t believe it for a minute, Marley.” He needed to know that, and something more, too. There was something I had never told him, that no one ever had. I wanted him to hear it before he went.

    Marley, I said. “You are a great dog.”

    ~ John Grogan

  3. My heart goes out to anyone that has lost a longtime pet. Had a Blue Heeler, and she was 15 years old when we had her put to sleep. She could hardly walk anymore and was hard of hearing. Just couldn’t watch her suffer anymore. But really hard to euthanize them! She was a smart and good dog. Our sheep and goats respected her, VERY MUCH! Dogs know about a person inside, because they can detect who likes pets and who doesn’t. They are smart animals.

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