As we have known all along, the Keystone pipeline won’t benefit Americans one iota. We take on the environmental risks so a Canadian company can sell oil to the Chinese. I commend Obama for delaying the pipeline, and Thune-Bag needs to shut his pie-hole about it.


3 Thoughts on “TransCanada can’t promise oil for Americans (H/T – Madville Times)

  1. rufusx on December 6, 2011 at 2:22 pm said:

    Read a discussion on another venue thatfor the first time in 49 years, the US is EXPORTING more petroleum products than we’re importing. This is due primarily to REDUCED CONSUMPTION – not increased production.

    Not one drop of the Keystone XL oil would be used in the US anyhow. We just don’t NEED it (despite what the fear-sellers are selling).

  2. It’s kinda like you neighbor asking you if it would be okay if his dog shits in your yard everyday.

  3. rufusx on December 7, 2011 at 2:24 pm said:

    Yep, and trying to justify it by letting you know that you could become a “job creator” and hire someone to clean it up.

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