More ethical questions about councilor Entenman?

As a South DaCola foot soldier pointed out to me this morning, City Councilor Jim Entenman has served as a board trustee for Sanford Health-Merit Care since at least 2009. Besides the obvious conflicts of voting on zoning issues with Sanford Health and missing council meetings to attend the Sanford board meetings (which he has), one wonders what Mr. Entenman knew about the Skyforce moving to the Pentagon before the EC vote? He comments on the Skyforce leaving the Arena in the informational meeting (FF: 18:00). Councilor Jamison asks who knew what after Entenman’s comments:

Councilor Greg Jamison said he wants to know whether members of the administration knew the Skyforce would be leaving before the events center vote.

“I think that’s a big piece of information we should have known,” he said. “It’s unfortunate that we didn’t.”

This is starting to stink more and more everyday. And as far as I am concerned Mr. Entenman needs to make a choice, does he work for the taxpayers of Sioux Falls or Sanford Health?

Ellis hits another homer with his story about the River Greenway Project cost overruns

Of course we have batted this around on South DaCola for awhile, and you can reread everything we already know;

The city negotiated a contract with Scherschligt to buy an option for land at the Zip site. As part of that contract, Scherschligt asked the city to begin work on the river greenway.

This meeting of course was held in the middle of the night in Munson’s coat closet.

But this part of the column stood out like a sore thumb;

The Argus Leader requested change orders and documents related to the project last week, but that information had not been provided as of Friday afternoon.

Gee, I wonder why?