Best place to get cheap beer in town? Pettigrew Heights.

I’m kinda jealous, I always thought my neighborhood liquor store in McKennan Flats was the best place to get cheap beer, until now;

Prices for alcohol are a lot cheaper in Pettigrew Heights.  For instance, a 30-pack of beer costs $2 less than other liquor stores in Sioux Falls.   The results also show parents’ and grandparents’ drinking habits as a big influence on the neighborhood trend.

No shit! People drink in Pettigrew Heights? When I drive thru in the summer, I always thought they were drinking Arizona tea not Camo. Wow! I’m shocked!

While I think trying to curb teen drinking is a good thing, I almost kinda of chuckle at ignoring the bigger picture. Rich or poor, trailer park or association, kids drink in Sioux Falls. They act like drinking in Pettigrew Heights happens more frequently. Poppycock.

When I went to HS in a suburb of Seattle some 20 years ago, everyone partied together, rich, poor, black and white. Kids don’t give a shit about semantics. As a past long time resident of Pettigrew Heights I almost feel bad for all the crappy press they get. It actually is not that bad, NOISY, but not bad.

You wanna know why people live in that hood? The same reason I did, cheap rent. I lived a block from the best coffee house in town, and the best C-Store in town (cheap beer).

Enough of demonizing Pettigrew Heights. Put out an olive branch not a night stick for once and you don’t need a study to determine that.

Music club w/ Matt Fockler

Been awhile since I have seen my old hippie friend Matt, I see he is getting better at playing the geetar


Here is an awesome cover of one of Matt’s songs, ‘Lakota Sioux’


Odds and Ends


I’ll make this quick.

• South DaCola is planning some reconstruction over the winter. New look and other fun stuff. Stay tuned.

• Our next Rant-A-Bit podcast will be recorded on December 6th. Scott and I have no planned guests, but if you would like to join us, drop us a line, we may be able to work something out. Pre-warning. Vodka and cussing (may) be involved.

• I have a meeting scheduled with Mayor Huether at his office on December 13th to chew the fat. I plan to give minutes of the meeting on South DaCola.

• Not sure if you saw this tidbit at Monday’s SF city council’s informational meeting, but they have been discussing moving the city council meetings to Tuesdays. I like the idea, and I think the change WILL happen.

More bait & switch, this time from Pierre

As I have said in the past, Pierre plays this game every year, tons of optimism about the state budget in the Fall, but once the legislative session hits and schools come a crawling, doom and gloom;

But the sales tax, a barometer of the broader economy, was up 6.2 percent in October from a year ago.

And Dilges is already trying to soften the blow;

Budget conversations among lawmakers have been dominated by state employee raises, K-12 education and Medicaid. But restoring too much money too fast as the economy perks up would defeat the purpose of the “reset button,” Dilges said.

“We have to start thinking about doing business differently than we did before,” he added. “It’s not just a one-year cut, it’s a forever cut. We are going off a new base.”

In other words, an increase in education funding is never going to happen.

If the governor leaves funding untouched in K-12 education and Medicaid, those programs will be worse off in fiscal year 2013 than this year.

That’s because last year, the Legislature — working with the governor’s office — found about $24 million to ease cuts to both. But that money will be gone in fiscal year 2013, leaving education funding 8.6 percent lower than fiscal year 2011 and Medicaid funding 10 percent lower.

And it looks like they will be forcing South Dakotans to vote for a tax increase (5th penny) if they want education and Medicare funded. Not only is it irresponsible and pathetic, it is underhanded. This quote by Assistant Senate Majority Leader Corey Brown, R-Gettysburg says it all;

“Obviously, the hope would be that we would be able to find a way to replace that (education funding) on a more long-term basis,” he said.

Funny how there was zero mention of the $800 million sitting in an investment fund in the entire article. It seems the governor’s office, legislators, the media, the healthcare industry and educators are only giving us one choice this year, an increase in regressive sales taxes. No mention of a corporate income tax, ending tax breaks for foreign industry that comes to our state or tapping into the investment fund. Why? The GOP elite in our state love when the working class and poor pay the lion’s share of taxes especially on bread and milk. Then they wonder why the lines are so long at food pantries. Actually, I don’t think they wonder, they don’t care.