The Ugly Table #57


I have seen butter on customers in several places;




Small children generally have it smeared all over their faces.

I have also seen it on ties, the back of hands, drink glasses and drink coasters.

But I have NEVER seen it on sideburns. NEVER! Until the other night.

Please explain . . . you know what, better you don’t.

S. L. Ehrisman (c) 11/18/11



My podcast co-host Scott ‘Haggard Music Elitist’ Hudson weighs in on the Events Center decision

I kind of chuckle how all of these stories are coming out ‘AFTER’ the vote. Anyhoo, Lalley was trying to be clever with Hudson’s name;

There’s no question that The Haggard Music Elitist was deeply opposed to the plan for the events center. He is a skeptic — if not an outright cynic — on many of the issues facing our fair city, so this is not a surprise. He’s also been involved on and off in the entertainment business and pays attention to what sells and what does not.

Cynic? Get outta here!

Hudson goes on to talk about the percentage of population that would have to attend concerts/events in SF is much higher then in competing markets (I think he commented on this site about it also);

“There are roughly 228,000 people in the Sioux Falls metro area. What’s that translate to?”

“I didn’t bring a calculator.”

“Five point three percent.”

“That is a lot. They’ll have to draw from a wider area to make it work, I suspect.”

“Yes, they will. And there’s this myth that having more seats than the Arena means the ticket prices will go down,” he continued. “How many promoters do you know who drop the price of a ticket from one city to another?”

“I don’t know any promoters.”

“I do. They don’t.”

I did however enjoy this comment from a reader;

I really didn’t care for the article. And I really don’t quite know why. Maybe because I don’t care for the “as I was walking down the street an old friend came up” approach.

Actually, it pretty much went down that way, and Pat and Scott have known each other for longer then they both would have liked to admit.


STORMLAND TV could find only one person in a crowd of 100 to talk in support of snowgates?

(Image; KELO-TV screenshot)

Leave it to STORMLAND TV to cheerlead for spending millions on an entertainment center we don’t need but poo-poo something that would benefit all citizens;

If support here were measured in snowfall, there would be a mountain to move. Snow gates may not mean the end of their driveway woes, but more than a hundred people here think they’re a good start.

Okay, so 100 people showed up (see image above) but Stormy Bartnik could only find one single person to interview in support, then features an opponent who is opposed to snowgates because life should be as hard for everyone else as it was for him when he was four years-old?

“I grew up here since I was four years-old, and we’ve moved our own snow all the time,” Jeffcoat said.

Well good for you! Go get ’em Tiger! This is something that would benefit ALL residents, unlike an Events Center. I say full steam ahead! A South DaCola foot soldier made this comment to me tonight about the meeting attendence;

I just got back from the “Snow Gate” meeting with Galen Huber. Standing Room Only! I told Galen he had more people show up for the snow gates than Mike ever got for his EC Roadshow.

Tells you what the working man’s priorities are? Huh?

SF city director Mike Cooper doesn’t seem to be concerned about our drinking water, because it is a ‘County Issue’

Yummy! Tastes like rusty nails!

TJN Enterprises, a metal recycling operation is planning to move their operation near the city’s aquifer, and this move is being appealed at Monday’s city council meeting, Item #11 (citizen appeal);

Conditional Use Permit Appeal (2011-08-11): 6011 – 6700 E. Rice St. The Conditional Use Permit was to allow a metal recycling processing facility. The Planning Commission approved the conditional use permit with the following stipulations: 1) Final Landscaping Plans with berms, screening and schedule of plants to be submitted to the Planning Office for final approval by the Planning Director/Designee; 2) A Site Management Plan will require approval of the Planning & Health Departments prior to the issuance of building permits; 3) Maximum height for evergreen (coniferous) trees used as part of the screening shall be six (6) feet.

STORMLAND TV did a story about it. Mike Cooper commented;

We checked with the city, and the Director of Planning and Building Services said Harkless may be referencing a county ordinance.

“The city sometime ago amended our ordinances. We changed the definition of a salvage yard to a salvage operation. We made that as an allowed use,” Director of Planning and Building Services Mike Cooper said.

See the Big Sioux Aquifer map.

A South DaCola foot soldier sent me this;

The appellant owns the house/land across the road from the proposed TJN site, which happened to be the “first” preferred site for the relocated railroad switchyard.  As you review the shallow Aquifer map … the latest proposed/relocated site for the Railroad Switchyard near Brandon is northeast of the TJN site, and directly over a large portion of the aquifer.  I have to think this will become a sticking point in that matter, even if it has no impact on Monday night’s Council vote on the TJN relocation decision.  At least the appellant is forcing the Council to weigh in on this, and making them aware of the aquifer issue in that vicinity as the Railroad matter moves forward.  A public hearing is expected next month.  Expect a large turnout from Brandon.

IMO, the city is just trying to get TJN off of their backs. After they were denied space in the old stockyards location (which I thought was a perfect place for them) because Vern ‘The Velvet Hammer’ Brown was concerned about a scrap yard so close to Falls Park (Never mind their is a polluting, stinky, slaughter house across the road!) Cooper vowed to do anything to help TJN find a different location (I kind of wonder if their wasn’t some idle threats going on from TJN?) Either way, I am not opposed to switching yards and scrap yards on the outskirts of town, I am however concerned that it may pollute our water. Not cool.