Seems the SF City Council felt former city clerk Debra Owen had too much power

(Image: KELO-TV)

And really that is what the firing was probably about;

It’s possible the job description might be changed so that the new clerk is more of an administrator versus somebody who engages on policy matters.

I am still baffled why they had a problem with someone who COULD give legal advice (a differing opinion then the city attorney’s office which has to be in line with the mayor’s agenda, this was all too clear when the ethics complaint got thrown out). And someone who brought incredible transparency to the city council’s operations. Now they just want an administrator? Why not save the taxpayer’s money and get a temp to do the job for $10 an hour? Pathetic. I salivate for the day it is made public why she was fired. You will see just how ignorant and naive the five councilors who voted for her dismissal are. I also think it should be made public before they hire another clerk.

Ironic Johnny, still a Thune-Bag

It doesn’t bother me that John says stupid shit like this, it bothers me more that people believe it;

The permit for the Keystone XL is being delayed while officials look at re-routing the pipeline in Nebraska.

The U.S. State Department says the permit likely won’t be approved until 2013 because of the changes to the route.

But, South Dakota Republican Senator John Thune, who supports the project, believes the pipeline permit is being delayed so President Obama doesn’t have to make a decision before the 2012 election.

“This issue, the Keystone Pipeline, splits the President’s base,” Thune said. “He’s got labor unions in support of building the pipeline. He’s got environmental groups that are opposed to it. Those are both groups that he needs going into his re-election in 2012. I think you can’t call this anything but what it is, which is purely and simply a politically motivated decision.”

So he is trying to either alienate or coddle his two main supporters? Huh?

Everybody knows the pipeline is needed to refine gasoline for the Chinese. There is very little benefit to Americans. But that doesn’t stop John from making this about birth certificates and secret muslims.

Worth reposting

Ellis posted this and I called him and told him shortly after the poster first went up someone pasted a picture of Kermit’s face over the top of it and was up for several days. I don’t think the airport staff is too quick to remove it, if not responsible for it. I think they should make it a magnetic board and let people ‘dress up the mayor’

Holsen brings up his crying fit the other day, so it prompted me to pass on this email from a South DaCola foot soldier about the event;

I was at the Diversity Conference today over at the Ramkota, and the good mayor gave a 8 – 10 minute speech during lunch.  He spoke about him being poor growing up in Yankton and how when he went through the lunch line he had to show an orange ticket showing how he was getting free or reduced price meals.  Apparently this was his way of identifying himself as someone who knows what it is like to be different and as such he understands diversity. The best part?  He stopped his speech not once… but twice in order to cry. Once included a solid 15 seconds of silence as he choked back the tears.  Seriously.  It was incredibly uncomfortable and as I scanned the room I noticed quite a few smirks from people who have seen it before. Then as soon as his speech was done… he bolted for the door faster than Rosie O’Donnell heading for a free cheesecake buffet.

If I had eyes like that I would be crying to.

SF City Council decides to discuss procedures after the fact

After firing a city clerk, allowing a city councilor to miss three regular meetings in a row with no repercussions, and giving themselves the power to approve contracts (even though they already had that power) now they decide they should probably discuss procedures? LMAO!

I wonder if they know that the EC vote was an advisory one, with only 6.7% of the population approving the building of the facility?

Bait and Switch (H/T – CR)

I know that I said I would not have sour grapes over the new Events Center, and I don’t, but I will continue to point out the inequities in what we were told and what will really happen.

If you watch today’s informational meeting, they are talking about the bond sale and repayment for the Events Center (FF: 19:00) Doug Hajek says this;

“There is a reference to the dollar amount, the final maturity date on these bonds would be potentially as late as 2037 . . .”

The Mayor and his team sold the public on a 22 year repayment period with an end date of 2033.  This is the information that they were ALL giving to the public BEFORE the vote. If you go to page 30 of this presentation you will see the 22 year repayment schedule. You will also see that they were promising under a 4% interest rate (Doug Hajek brought up in the presentation tonight it could cost as high as 4.75%)

There was also some interesting testimony during the public input of the City Council meeting (FF: 6:00) Ray Woody Woodsend spoke, I did not understand all that he was saying BUT HE IS OBJECTING TO THE WAY THAT THEY ARE STRUCTURING THE BOND SALE AND SAYS THAT IT WILL UTIMATELY END UP COSTING SF TAXPAYERS MORE THAN IT SHOULD AND WILL ALSO EXPOSE US TO MORE RISK THAN IS NECESSARY!

None of this surprises me from a mayor who was a former marketing manager of a subprime credit card company.

Bullocks! Bullocks! Carry on!