The Final Countdown

Not sure if anyone watched the City Council meeting Monday night, but now they have a countdown clock that will play on the overhead screen during public testimony.


First off, I don’t have a problem with the 5 minute rule, but it should be given some latitude. During the Pawn Shop ordinance testimony, local attorney, Dean Nasser,  asked for more time since he was representing several clients. Seems reasonable.

But to be quite honest with you, the anti-censorship, 1st Amendment rights freak in me says, to Hell with the time limit. We elect and pay these people to serve us. They must listen, no matter how painful it may be for them. With or without our hats on.


I would like to thank all of the commenters and South DaCola foot soldiers who sent me leads and pictures during the events center debate. I could not have kept up without all of you, and you know who you are!

(Those who don’t mind I mention their names)

Cheryl Rath

Theresa Stehly

Kermit Staggers

Scott Hudson

Dan Daily

Jen Holsen

Cory Heidelberger

Jonathan Ellis

I would like to also put a big shout out to my webmaster. We started blogging together over 15 years ago (yeah, it has been that long- I did the rough math). You have put up with a lot of shit from me, but have always been supportive. Even when I wanted to quit, you talked me out of it. Thank You!

While my tiny little blog probably didn’t influence too many voters, I hope that at least people digested the information, even if it was ‘rumors and innuendo’ 🙂

This isn’t over, I am still on a mission to Mars about transparency in local government. The termination of Debra Owen concerns me, because she was such a champion of this issue. Also, the ethics complaint being thrown out doesn’t sit to well with me either. And unlike Waldo, we will find Shawn Tornow, and his paystubs.

The mayor and I are planning a sit down soon. I hope to bring up my concerns about transparency in our current city government.

I told councilor Jamison that telling the truth and being honest with constituents will never backfire on you. I do believe he heard me. Hopefully the mayor will unplug his ears.

Keep fighting the good fight. Here is your cheeseball video of the day;
