Relief (kinda)

I always thought it would be close.

I was wrong.

Big money wins again. Think about it, the Rec center failed, and there was no money behind the YES vote.

This is sort of a relief though, I don’t think I have the stomach for another debate down the line.

I promised the mayor ‘no sour grapes’ and there won’t be any from me. I have said all along if this is what the voters want, have at it.

But I will be clear about one thing, transparency and openness needs to return to city hall. And I will continue to watch.


If the EC fails it won’t be because of negative feelings about the mayor

I hope the mayor takes heed of this poll if the EC fails, he still has a high approval rating;

Mayor Huether Receives 62 Percent Approval Among Sioux Falls Voters, While 48 Percent See Sioux Falls Going in Right Direction

62 percent of Sioux Falls voters approve of the job of Mayor Mike Huether, according to the Nielson Brothers Polling (NBP) October 26-27 survey. In the poll of likely Sioux Falls municipal voters, 21 percent say they “strongly approve,” and 41 percent “somewhat approve” of the mayor’s performance. On the other hand, 21 percent say they “somewhat disapprove” and 16 percent “strongly disapprove.” The 62 percent is a 7 percent drop in approval from a May NBP survey of registered Sioux Falls voters and appears to reflect a change in intensity of opinion. Respondents who “somewhat approve” drop by 10 percent, compared with a 3 percent rise in “strongly approve” responses, and a 6 percent rise for “strongly disapprove.”