Looks likes the red light cameras may be toast

Correct me if I am wrong, but according to Item #19 on this coming week’s council agenda, looks like the red light cameras are finally toast, that is if the council approves the ordinance change; redlight

Wonder if Argue Endorser publisher Beck will show up crying about how red light cameras save lives. Being a cautious and defensive driver and/or pedestrian saves lives, unconstitutional ordinances complicate and burden those lives.

UPDATED: According to the SF City Attorney’s office they are Ledges not Steps


Recently some citizen advocates voiced concerns to the city attorney that the STEPS at the river greenway site could be dangerous, and people could slip and fall into the river. The city attorney sent them a letter that stated that they were NOT STEPS, but LEDGES meant for sitting on (I have yet to get a copy of the letter, but have read it). The letter also goes on to remind them that there is a slip plate on the last LEDGE, similar to the orange slip plates that are on the end of sidewalks (you know, things you walk and step onto).

Why would you need a slip plate for something you are sitting on? Obviously this is some kind of legal mumbo jumbo they cooked up. It reminds of the time my artist friend hung a mural on the Horse Barn at Falls Park, and then Parks director Mike Cooper said it wasn’t a ‘mural’ but a large ‘painting’ because it was free standing and not actually painted on the structure, so it didn’t need council approval.

Either way, STEPS or LEDGES someone is going to eventually fall into the river at that site.

Eight million dollars later and no safety precautions, imagine that!

Part-time South Dakota / California resident Joe Kirby makes some charter revision suggestions

He sends the council a bunch of editorials from the Argue Endorser’s editorial board (circa 1995) as a reason the council needs to work less; joekirby

One glaring line that stood out to me was that the council should be the legislative body. If anything, I think the council has moved away from that and are finally coming around and realizing they need to be more involved. Here is the agenda for the meeting.

Urban Ag Task force meets Friday – but will not be recorded

Though Ms. Stehly suggested this meeting should be recorded for Channel 16, it looks like it will not be. I guess Councilors Dean Karsky and Tex Golfing don’t want the continual foot in the mouth episodes to be on record. Go roast a goat! Heck, Rolfing wonders if planting flowers is even legal!

But the urban agriculture task force is discussing this kind of planting and other types like the city’s community garden, because as council member Rex Rolfing says there are currently no city laws about gardening.  He says, “there is nothing to say it is legal, therefore it is probably illegal.”
