My motto to them – “Once a Robot Geek, always a Robot Geek!!!!” May these two champs for kids rest in Peace!!!

Daniel Swets and Kevin Anderson

From a South DaCola foot soldier:

Scott- Hey, IF YOU FEEL this would be appropriate for your site, please feel free to post any of my pictures as a memoriam for these two FIRST Lego Educators/Champions  – my kids had the honor and privilege of having them as their coach when the two started this whole thing up in SF over 3 years ago – it was called “ROBOT GEEKS”!  And they even won the tourney in the Spirit Category in Sioux City and earned a trip to compete at Ames, IA for the regional tourney.

By the way, you would have loved knowing these 2 guys  – decent, funny, intelligent, unreal with kids, and did I mention funny?


OPEN THREAD: WTF is going on?

Politics locally and statewide seem kinda stagnant lately, of course there is a big birthday bash at the end of the month, maybe that has something to do with it. BTW, what are you getting me for Christmas? If you knew me, and could buy me or make me anything, what do you think the appropriate gift would be?

Now let’s dance.

One constant, Argue Endorser’s publisher is still delusional

Expansion is just around the corner, uh, I mean, next door.

I held off for awhile reading Beck’s column in Sunday’s paper, because as usual, he says and claims ridiculous things, and he did not disappoint. I will start by saying that I do agree with him on one comment;

It is representative, as I look back over the past year, of a long list of outstanding efforts our journalists at Argus Leader Media have produced to “serve the public” — a platitude at some places, perhaps, but not here.

I will agree he has some very talented journalists working for them, unfortunately, they are often over-edited and hamstrung on many stories by people like himself who are more concerned about their next big bicycle ride or if their son’s band will succeed.

Then he goes on to talk about the ‘power’ the AL’s sword wields;

And following up last spring on a series of articles about the lack of oversight and standards for in-home day care in Sioux Falls, intense pressure on multiple fronts from Argus Leader Media encouraged, cajoled and pushed the city to actually make inspection reports available to the public online — a first.

Does the AL have influence? Damn right they do, so much influence they did very little opposition stories about the Events Center until AFTER the thing passed. But it didn’t stop Randy from patting himself on the back;

But we think big and aim high. We take seriously our role in providing provocative watchdog journalism that serves the broad public —and this special place we call home.

And let’s just take the EC vote as an example of ‘watchdog’ media. Not only did they proudly endorse this boondoggle they refused to dig into the repayment schedule, the interest rate, tenants, corporate sponsorship, the ethics behind city promotion, the conflicts of interest councilor Entenman has and the firing of Debra Owen. Sure, there were ‘stories’ but often after the fact, watered down and too late to make a difference. Watchdog journalism, IMO, tells the public the WHOLE story and in a timely manner. You know, that thing called the Fourth Estate. Once again, Beck, too little, too late and in 2-4 years when they are auctioning off the corner of 10th and Minnesota I will gladly put in a bid of $1. I’m sure the YMCA is salivating at the thought of expansion.

Tell me something I didn’t already know


I have to give a big shout-out to Jayme Zea-Mothershead, owner of Mama Lada’s downtown Sioux Falls for her recent international kudos;

“Probably the beginning of September, a British lady that said, ‘I’ve been to your restaurant. And I’m doing a story about vegan and vegetarian items and restaurants that do well in that area. I just need some facts,’” Zea-Mothershead said.

Those facts eventually hit the printing press half a world away. A London newspaper, “The Independent,” named Mama’s Ladas Enchiladas among the six best foods on this earth.

While Jayme’s enchiladas are the bomb (and would have to agree the broccoli cheese is pretty damn tasty) I have always said Jayme’s claim to fame is her homemade red sangria. There is nothing better then downing a few of those on her modest patio on a mild summer day. In fact, some friends and I cooked up ‘The Color of Sound‘ on that patio over a few sangrias. I would also like to do a little back-patting myself;

The restaurant hopes to eventually put a hard copy prominently on it’s wall of fame.

“I was reading the first article written and it was funny to think back. People didn’t think this place would last,” Zea-Mothershead said.

Guess who wrote the first review about Mama Lada’s? Your’s truly. ETC. Magazine.