(Image: KELO-TV)

I guess I really don’t have to give my two-cents about Bill. Other media sources will fill your breakfast bowl on that. While I have many things to say about Bill (good and bad) I choose not to.

I will say this though. I have had the pleasure of knowing one of Bill’s best friends and one of his children for several years. Both wonderful, intelligent, amazing people who have both been honest with me over the years about Bill, and I appreciate that.

Just like the rest of us, Bill will have to meet his maker, and only they can decide whether Bill was ‘all that’ and a bag of chips. But it is interesting to watch STORMLAND drool all over themselves telling Wild Bill stories. I walked by the studios this afternoon and almost fell on my ass. Where is code enforcement when you need them?

By l3wis

17 thoughts on “Inside Jenkalowland”
  1. And BTW, my thots and prayers and sympathies go out to both of you. While I may not hold the highest regards to the former governor, I do have a lot of respect for the both of you, I know it is not easy defending your family and friends sometimes (trust me, I have personal experience, or at least my friends and family do) but I’m thinking about you.

  2. Kelo left out only four minor events, Jancita Eagle Deer,
    the Newsweek lawsuit, Video Lottery and insider trading, and the Small/Plankington/Custer Boot Camp 60 Minutes story.

    But since they only had a hour long news program, its understandable as to why these trivial matters were left out.

  3. Four events?! LMFAO!

    Here’s the deal folks, we could start our own ‘piss on Bill’s grave’ blog. But let’s not go there. For at least a couple of weeks.

  4. I and all of you know he ain’t a saint but we should be at least appreciative of what he has done as our governor. Most of things he has done aren’t bad. One of those good things he did was he pushed for and got it is getting schools wired up to the internet (that happened while I was a student) which I was very grateful for. If not for that, I probably would be computer-illiterate and won’t be one of South DaCola’s religiously reader…

  5. He had the tenacity to push ahead and take a risk when many people would have crawled back into their hole. He did much more good than bad….and that is all a person can ask for. If your life was published after you passed…would they have anything to write?

  6. As many have said, Janklow had his highs and lows. As it figures, I thought of him as a take no shit from anybody, chop-busting, get it done kind of guy–at least on the issues I agreed with him on.

    One of the best things he did was help to overhaul the technical colleges and make them respectable outlets for education. If it weren’t for Janklow, the state colleges and tech schools would still be offering meat cutting, child day care worker, TV repair, restaurant management, and locksmith as viable, long-term career paths. Janklow also helped to have tech school credits transfer easier to four year colleges because of the overhaul. For that, I am thankful.

    When it came to Plank/Gina Score, Randy Scott, other miscellaneous scandals, then the sociopathic heartless politician was alive and well. These acts were inexcusable. On the other hand, I remember the mostly good he did for South Dakota. You always knew where he stood on issues and he didn’t sugar coat anything. My spuzz fest is over.

  7. I do not have a problem with what he did….good and bad, but let’s quit the sainthood as being a public servant…he was getting paid for he did.

    Some of the stuff he did away from office with his charitable deeds is different, but to become a saint by doing your job, then the janitor at the old folks home is worthy.

  8. Ol Timer – You forgot to mention all the inside deals he brokered for himself as governor. Too many to count. How do you become a multi-millionaire working in state public service most of your life? Hmmmmm.

  9. Just like everybody else, Janklow did some good things for the state, and he also did some bad things both for the state and in his private life. As far as the bad things in his private life, a lot of them can’t be proven. It is basically a case of what somebody says against him, for whatever reason, they might have.

  10. Joan, actually a lot can be proven, but we won’t go there.

    I guess I could be the most charitable person in SD if I was a multi-millionaire. I get so tired of people tooting the horn of the rich giving to others.


    I admire Bill for many political reasons, but this whole story that he was Ghandi has got to end.

  11. It has always amazed me when a political figure dies, how they were so great! Bill Janklow did do some good things, but also had “not so good things” on his record. Hopefully people will also remember these. He will have to answer to someone “higher” for his deeds! Just wondering if KG will be at his funeral?

  12. I see the 2nd most famous Democrat ever to come from SD is doing his eulogy. That must really chap the SD GOP’s hide.

  13. There really is not a classic two party system in South Dakota, nor a one party system in this state. What we
    have evolved into is a two party system made up of
    the Janklow/Daschle/Johnson coalition versus the
    Pro-Lifers in this state … and this reality is one of the
    major legacies which Janklow left us with and he deserves most the credit for … whether right or wrong.

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