South DaCola

Investigative journalism isn’t free, fools


While most people have been in a zombie like haze over the past couple of days, mostly about this white guy from Denver who has a bible stuck up his butt and the arm of the 6 Million dollar man, back in the real world, where people actually pay attention to what is going in local politics (very few), we have our local news media. Of course getting any other story out of Stormland TV over the next week may be difficult. They have been busy covering the Janks. But long behold, the Argue Endorser promises us investigative reporting (when those doing the investigating are not on unpaid vacations).

Here’s the deal, folks, providing the news takes money, and Hell, if you provide enough money, you can buy the media, just ask the Build it Now folks. So while many are in a tizzy about the AL charging for internet access to their indepth stories, I say – go for it. There readership will be even less, which will lead to their demise even quicker (IMO). They haven’t figured out yet that the advertisers should be paying for their existence. You’d think they would have by the way they kiss their asses. Nope, instead, they want the public, that they should be providing a public service to, pay for it.

Okay fair enough, let’s play along.

I have had South DaCola for several years now, have made next to nothing running the site, but enjoy doing it. I received several emails this morning that it had disappeared on the internets. Why did it disappear? I had to pay the coffers, yup, believe it or not, it even costs a blogger a few bucks to maintain his madness.

So here is my plan. Unlike the AL, I won’t charge you to read my site, BUT, if you would like to donate, like many others have, go to the right hand side and throw a few bucks in the kitty. I promise not to spend it on vodka or lap dances, but I won’t make any guarantees either.

And I won’t let you buy me either, even if you send me a case of Chopin. (subtle hint)

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