I was Alfalfa in a previous life.
From a South DaCola foot soldier;
Pam Gulleson (ND-AL) is in a similar position to Matt Varilek. Open seat with Obama at the top of the ticket. Both states have a Republican controlled state house and state senate. Both candidates have raised about $125K. Republican Rick Berg defeated Democrat Pomeroy in the last election and Repulican Noem defeated Democrat Herseth Sandlin. However, according to this, the DCCC is targeting Pam Gulleson for help but not Matt Varilek. Is the Varilek machine all it’s cracked up to be? How much power do Daschle and Johnson wield anymore if they can’t get Varilek added to the first important fundraising rescue list the DCCC puts out to their donors?
Hey, let’s try to be the party that doesn’t focus on big hair to win an election, shall we?
I am a registered Independent.
I rec’d an e-mail invitation from Varilek’s campaign informing South Dakotans that he is going to be traveling around the State meeting with voters.
Sioux Falls…….Friday, January 27th from Noon to One.
How many average citizens do you know who are available from noon to one on a Friday!!??
He might want to pay attention to the fact that South Dakota’s Congressional delegation has a reputation for being “out of touch” with their constituents…………
AND, that this is a “touchy subject” around here!!!
Cory – I’m not a Democrat, so I really don’t care about my hair
I think Matt is smart enough to debate Noem (Heck Big Bird is smart enough) but he lacks money. He is also just as slick as her. Washingtonians scare me a bit. I know he is our best option, but jinkies, I’m not feeling it.
CR – Maybe he was thinking a lunch time thingy, I will give him credit for at least doing it over the lunch hour, but you are right. Politicians seem to think people can just show up to these things in the middle of the day (well old people can) who they mostly target.
I have often said, if I ran for office, I wouldn’t be available to the public until after 4 PM.
Bad hair worked for Snooki.
He should retitle his tour to “meet matt – a town hall tour” and then rip noem for never holding a town hall.
Thune holds them and he didn’t spend 2010 ripping herseth for not holding them.
Turbak Berry would be the best choice for the D’s if johnson and shs won’t do it.
maybe jeff barth is raking in the dough?
I am afraid Varilek is just running tackle for Brendan Johnson’s run for the US Senate in 2014. Its a Johnson
family gamble at the expense of the South Dakota Democratic Party. This is the same “Democratic Crowd”
who decided to not run anyone against Thune, they ran
two republicans as “Democrats” in the 2010 gubernatorial
race, and thought challenging Sandlin “after the fact” in
a primary in 2010 was some how going to help the the
Democrats nationally hold on to 218 + House seats.
Matt who: