Trophy Van
This is my Facebook find of the day (H/T – PMAC). Yes, this was parked outside of Dareos pizza in Sioux Falls.
This is my Facebook find of the day (H/T – PMAC). Yes, this was parked outside of Dareos pizza in Sioux Falls.
Damn right they are! (my apologies to the Wolf).
The charter revision commission is appointed (handpicked by the mayor). And now Joe Kirby is sticking his nose in and trying to overturn the council’s decision to approve contracts. At Wednesday’s meeting (which I’m sure he will attend by telephone from sunny California) Kirby is proposing that the mayor approves all contracts;
We have already been through this. The council wants to approve contracts. They voted on it. This is a GOOD THING! It takes very little time and is in the consent agenda of the regular meeting. This has nothing to do with power, this has to do with transparency. The citizens have the right to know who is getting city contracts. Why would Joe and Mike want to hide that from the public? Good question.
Our local newspaper summed up something we have known for a long time over in DaColaLand. The more people that show up to the polls, the less likely an informed decision will be made.
I’m still scratching my head about the 34 year old who has NEVER voted before until the Events Center issue was on the ballot. Are you living under a freaking rock?! I’m sure most of these people don’t even understand that it was an advisory vote either.
“Voting on things that affect government, taxes and public services? Meh. Better entertainment for my community? I better get registered!”
Time to make another vodka tonic.
Gosh darn it! The blogs are picking on us again! (Image: Screenshot KELO-TV)
What is even more revealing is that city hall pays attention to what the blogs are saying about them.
December 26: Holsen posts about a DT parking ramp that is experiencing some ‘issues’.
December 30: Bossom buddy Darrin Smith cries to Stormland TV about it.
January 1: Owned!
I’ll let Jen sum this up;
‘Another spin cycle out of City Hall after the cow left the barn.  Mooooooooo!’