South DaCola

SF City Council still looking at moving public input until end of meetings

Dean ‘No Goats’ Karsky is at it again, suggesting that the public waits until the very end of a council meeting before airing their concerns. (FF: 19:00) His reasoning? He doesn’t think city directors (who we pay with our taxdollars) should have to wait thru public input, because it would make things ‘smoother’. He also thinks people should have to sign their name if they are giving public testimony. Why? If they state their name before their rant, good enough for me. Why do some city councilors think the public’s opinion is unimportant and bothersome? Who elected you? Oh that’s right, Dean just had to kiss a few councilor’s asses to get elected.

Most people who come to give public testimony are doing it on their own time. City directors and other contractors doing business with the city are compensated very well by us to attend these meetings. The (volunteer) public should be able to air their concerns at the beginning of the meetings. Any attempt by the city council to change this will come with great resistance. GREAT RESISTANCE!

Use your brains for once and leave it as is. It is not broken and does not need to be fixed.

UPDATE: This is the document outlining the different public input variances. As you can see, all of the SD towns listed have them at the beginning of the meeting. And heck, the county doesn’t even have a time limit; public input spreadsheet

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