South DaCola

UPDATED: SF City Council walked-in items on website now, sorta.

As you can see the items are up, but they still lack a PDF on item #22.

(Click on image to see larger)

Look closely at Section 15 of Item 21 and the proppsed changes; campaign

Notice they changed it so current office holders (incumbents running for re-election included) cannot be investigated, but if you are Joe Blow running for office, people can file all kinds of complaints about you and how you are running your campaign.

The other day on the Argue Endorser’s ‘100’ Eyes show, managing editor, Patrick Lalley contended it just takes HARD WORK and A GOOD STRATEGY to win a council seat. Hogwash. While these are important factors, it also takes money and connections. It is an uphill battle for any average Joe to run for council in this city, and ordinances like this don’t help, they only make it harder for NON-incumbents to run.

I’ll put a challenge out there to Joe Kirby, (who thinks I need a vacation-thanks for noticing) if he thinks that regular people should run for city council, I suggest he starts a PAC that helps them with the financial end of it. He could call it ‘The Average JOE PAC’ and if candidates present him with a good strategy he could help fund their campaigns. The Jim Entenman’s of the world don’t need more donations from the Joe Kirby’s of the world.

Ellis also points out on his blog that open meetings laws may have been broken by walking in and voting on these items, if so, tsk-tsk, but what bothers me even more is that the items (PDF Documents) are still not listed on the city website. WTF? I know they are available, because city clerk Roust pulled them up during the meeting, so why are they not listed.

Sketchy. To say the least.

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