February 2012

De Knudson & David Rose have clear conflicts of interest

You mean I can’t have my cake and eat it to?

First the facts. David Rose is running in the June Republican primary for House in District 14 (against Shawn Tornow, Anne Hajek & Larry Z.)

De Knudson is running for the At-Large SF City Council seat (against Dr. Kermit Staggers and Cory Buttemeir).

David currently is the Chair of the Minnehaha County Republican Party and De sits on the Charter Revision Commission for the city.


Derby date with the mayor and the disappearing Facebook post

So was it the mayor’s spy or Jorgensen’s spy that narced me off?

I have often believed that Don Jorgensen is NOT an objective reporter for Stormland TV news. He is too cushy with the mayor and other politicians. I HAD further proof of this morning, for a fleeting moment anyway.

This is where the story gets interesting. I was having coffee this morning at a local coffee hole and the person I was with had their laptop along. We got into a discussion about the media and KELO‘s obsession with the mayor. Then this person showed me Don’s FB page (which is public) and an exchange between Don and the mayor about lamb chislic (Don’s original post was about how he was craving it.) Don and Mike banter back and forth and the mayor sets up a date with Don to go to the Turner county fair to watch the derby and eat lamb chislic.

That is when I should have taken a screenshot, but I didn’t (DAMMIT!). We talked a bit longer (about 30 minutes) and right before this person left, I said, “You know what, you should take a screenshot of those comments and email it to me.” So we go back to Don’s FB page, and the post is gone. Apparently Don OR the mayor have a spy who follows me to coffee shops and listens to my convo’s.


The only thing I can remember is that there was someone sitting behind us that heard the whole convo. And when we went back to the page, that person was gone.

On a serious note, someone called KELO’s news director, Beth Jensen and made her aware of the FB exchange and that Don shouldn’t be palling around with the mayor.