South DaCola

Cost overruns on the EC? Stop the Bus!

I would have to agree with councilor Jamison on this statement;

Councilor Greg Jamison, who has been skeptical of much of the events center planning, said the bidding will be a defining moment in determining whether “we’re on mark or we’re off track.”

“If they come in over $115 (million), I think they’re going to have to stop the bus,” he said.

Like I have said in the past, SF doesn’t have a good track record when it comes to cost overruns. The Pavilion, Phillips to the Falls and now the River Greenway project have all cost almost DOUBLE of what was projected. I’m not saying any of this to be negative, I’m just stating the facts. Factor that math into the Events Center and you will have a debt service of about $400 Million. Ouch! For an events center!

I just hope Jamison has the gonads to jump in front of that bus. One more reason why it would be good for Staggers to be on the council again.


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