That is if she gets the signatures. I encourage everyone to NOT sign her petition. She was one of the most ineffective councilors who whined constantly about the length of meetings and has been caught watching television during those meetings. Do you want her back?
Just wanted you to know that I decided VERY LATE last night to run for
the Sioux Falls City Council again!The election is April 10. Â Please join us that evening at our home to
watch election results.Petitions are due on Friday, February 24. Â I need help obtaining at
least 200 signatures by that date.If you are willing to circulate a petition for me or sign mine, please
let me know asap.I will be home this evening after 7 p.m. to begin collecting signatures
at my front door!Also, I can put a petition in the mail to you today if that works better
for you. Â Send me your mailing address please.I would love to collect all the needed signatures in the next 48 hours!
Do you want someone running for council that ASKS you to come to HER to sign her petition? GEEZ. and remember;
De Welch Knudson
You are encouraged to stop by our home tonight after 7 p.m. to sign a petition for me to run for City Council on April 10. Our address is 2100 East Slaten Court — cul de sac off Slaten Park Drive. Phone number 338-9431. I’d love to collect all the needed signatures ASAP. This note does NOT apply to any city employees on my FB account.
De wants people to come to her house so she doesnt miss any of her tv shows.
LOL! I hope Staggers brings this up in every single debate, consistently.
We know Vernon will endorse her.
Four more years of listening to DE at Council meetings………
She also has two conflicts of interest. 1) if she is running, she needs to resign from the CRC immediately! Her involvement in trying to make the council more powerless is reason enough she is not qualified to run 2) Her husband works as a legal advisor to Sanford. We already have one Sanford cronie on the council, we don’t need another one.
Ellis called her a progressive. LOL! :
“Knudson represents the “progressive,†forward-moving segment that favors spending money on things like indoor pools and better facilities.”
BIG GOVERNMENT SPENDING REPUBLICAN! Ignore the basic needs of citizens while blowing taxpayer money on wood and rock thingies at McKennan Park.
Furthermore, after watching De’s babbling during the CRC meetings I don’t think she is mentally up to the job (I didn’t think she was before either) She is doing this just to be a thorn in Kermit’s side, not because she wants the job, that is unfortunate. Please De, stay in retirement.
CR, I couldn’t agree more. As one who attends these in person every week, I’m cringing at the thought. I still remember vividly one of many episodes, I think it was where the second penny was being rounded off for arterial street expansion, and Scott went up to comment on it, and De went off on this whiny monologue about ‘you don’t know how hard it is to be councilor’, ‘I wish you could do it’, ‘its so hard’, blah blah. And as you all know, this was not a rare occurrence. And if you can’t be bothered to go door to door to engage your presumed constituents, please, that’s disqualifying by itself. Also, a council member cannot hold another city ‘office’ which probably includes citizen boards. Is she going to bail on the 3 year appointment, after about 2 whole months of work on it? Must have got too hard.
The 3 year appointment I’m referring to is the Charter Review Commission of course…
I’m going to puke.
How about a petition in support of her NOT running. I will come to your house and sign it Scott.
Is there valet parking?
Anti-petition party!!!
“Is there valet parking?”
Only if you drive an ugly baby blue TA convertable
I heard she asked 30 different people to run for office and they all said no, so she decided to run. I think Dave needs to have an intervention . . . first he has to find his trousers though . . . check the trunk of the TA!
I guess Kermit is a career politician . . . HA!|topnews|text|Home
“Staggers, he added, is a career politician who has been in politics decades and recently ran for both mayor and lieutenant governor in the 2010 Republican primary.”
No offense to Kermit, but you have to ACTUALLY WIN seats to be a career politician. The last election Kermit won was 10 years ago against YOU Cory. Oh, SNAP!
In words De would relate to; she would be like 4 years of TV reruns.
You can’t really blame her…. we have the Summer Olympics coming up this year and she needs access to hi speed Internet for streaming purposes.
I hate to say it, but due to her connections and name recognition I’d place money on her beating Staggers. Love him or hate him you need to admit that Staggers’ name has been associated with some questionable things including Gordon Howie. That isn’t going to help his chances.
It just dawned on me that her first name is “De”, last name “Knudson”.
I always read it as “DeKnudson”, and never worried about what Mrs. DeKnudson’s first name might be.
Learning something new every day… thanks South DaCola!
Let’s have a prilgrimage to De’s house where we place a flaming bag of s*** on her doorstep!
Craig – The Howie thing was stupid on Kermit’s part, but we all knew Howie didn’t have a snowball chance in Hell of winning the nomination.
All I have been saying to people is that I hope we have learned our lesson by NOT electing Kermit to mayor. Let’s not make the same mistake twice by putting in rubberstamping De. We need someone challenging the mayor and the other rubberstampers on all levels, Kermit is the man to do it. De also said she talked to 30 different people to run against Kermit and they all said NO. You think about that. Either they were scared Kermit would beat them, or they want him to win.
Its like a bad movie with another sequel – “The return of Mush Mouth.” She obviously misses her ‘hobby’ because thats how she treated the job when she was seated.
Both Knudson and Staggers equally bad picks for City Council at large seat. Over and done with….time out…go away for good to both of them. Ugh, can’t stand the thought of either of them coming back to city government.
Well, they probably feel the same way about you.
So why aren’t you running for the at-large seat?
Really? You all bitch and bitch on this site about everyone so why don’t you all run for the at-large seat? And I don’t care if “they feel the same about me” even though how would you know that…meaningless comment. I’m just following the normal protocol for this blog…Trash everyone. I like to read you because you make me laugh. Your pictures are funny too. I just don’t get all this put down when someone comments. CR, you should definitely run for at-large because you seem to know everything.
YDK – Settle down bro, I was being funny.
De did ask a lot of people to run against Kermit, but I don’t think they said “no” because of Kermit. I think they are saying “no” because of the toxic environment Huether has created as people are saying “no” to running against Karsky and Anderson – both beatable. As we have said in other races – we (ie Huether) has really made it so people don’t want anything to do with city government unless you rubber stamp for him – otherwise his short man’s disease and temper tantrum ego takes over and he and his cronies make life a living hell for you. If you have a family with kids – why would you want that? He literally makes my stomach hurt. My dad made one statement to me right before we voted in the run-off and that was, “that Huether is bad news,” (and he would know as he was one of his bosses awhile back), and I didn’t listen. Never again. I will not vote for one person that supports this man. He is bad news. De has jumped on the Huether bandwagon and with that – she will not receive my vote. Among other things with the EC – she completely was ready to throw the council under the bus with the Charter Revision Committee so short man had more power and the city council lost its ability for checks and balances. Isn’t this the very same council she wants to sit on again? Do we really want someone that after asking everyone and their dog about running – she felt she better step in to save all of us? No thanks. I am done watching things happen behind closed doors and De is one more step in that direction.
She is already setting the stage to put Kermit in a bad light with her statement, “I am going to run a positive campaign.” But my question is, “Will it be truthful?” Sorry, I equate TRUTHFULNESS with POSITIVITY.
Yeah, kind of like FOX NEWS trademarking the phrase “fair and balanced”. I’d rather have “fair and accurate” any day.
I am going to try to be good throughout this campaign season, but we know my track record
but I won’t let the Quen Be De lie in the name of ‘positivity’