I read in our local paper today (not available for FREE online anymore) that there is seven potential sponsors to the new events center. I suppose I could try to guess what they were, but I have always thought it would be Sanford’s name on the side of the building, and there is speculation of that. Because when you think affordable healthcare, think entertainment. Right?

BTW, what is up with the gothic design of the lobby of the new Sanford Heart Center? Weird. Can we get more wainscoting please?

By l3wis

36 thoughts on “Sanford Events Center?”
  1. I thought the article said Sanford and Avera claim they aren’t putting in a proposal for the ‘big’ name on the building. If not I wonder who the other 7 names are, who knows. Maybe it will be the “Dollar Loan Center” 🙂 That would be pretty appropriate under the circumstances ??? 🙂

  2. The way I read the article, Sanford is all but a lock for the big naming prize. The Sanford Leader also had a companion piece today about non-profits. Of course Sanford leads the way in that arena also. Just how does a corporation qualify as a non-profit? My dad spent three days in that rip-off center. His bill, and what medicare paid does not suggest to me they are a non-profit. Tack on krabs krabbenhofts nearly 1.5 million a year salary and I wonder about that status. Just what does it really mean?

  3. Greg, the article says that in 2010 Sanford stated they had no plans at that time to be involved. Currently, it’s a “no comment”, which IMHO says all that needs to be said.

  4. Before the vote happened, Sanford employees talked about how they needed this (new EC) as part of their “recruitment efforts.” What better way to do that than to have your name on the building!!!

  5. After these comments, I went and reread the article and it does seem that months ago they seemed to close the door on it, but now they (Sanford) haven’t closed the door on it and aren’t really tipping their hand. I keyed in on the comments they made 7 months ago…My bad. Wouldn’t be surprised I guess…Seems to me on a simple financial wherewithal wavelength, the obvious contestants would be the two hospitals and the big banks (i.e. Citi).

  6. I have often felt BILLION would be a good fit, but Dave Jr. said he would not support a EC at the arena location. I still kinda wonder though if they are on the list.

  7. Maybe we should have, “Credit Card companies who come to SD to fuck over the working poor, become mayors, fund ‘hospitals’ and entertainment facilities DAY”?

  8. 1-800-myman-mike terror dome……..it will ssssssave nickleback from the pessssky Joessss……..COOOOOOOBRAAAAAAAA!!!!

  9. Having worked as a volunteer in a couple REAL non-profits, the way I understand that it works is in order to qualify for non-profit status you have to do/make a certain number of charitable contributions, such as donating equipment, etc. My guess is with the hospitals the fact that they are always building all these fancy additions, etc. qualifies them. There are also certain degrees of non-profit, and I can’t remember how any of that works anymore. I retired in 2005, and kind of put it out of my mind.

  10. Joan – You nailed it. Why do you think the hospitals sponsor the doppler radars and nightly health reports? That isn’t advertising, it’s sponsorship – and those millions $ count toward their charitable contributions. I kid you not.

  11. Wait, so the overwhelming nonsensical content of KELO’s nightly news is a charitable contributions writeoff??? For fucks sake.

  12. Re: the Gothic design of the new Sanford building…

    I really like it. I’m a big fan of classic architecture, and I’m glad to see more projects embracing the beauty of the style, rather than the shock value associated with so much “modern” architecture. The Gigglebee’s remodel is also has some nice classic features as well.

    Here’s a great article on the subject:

  13. Krabbenhoft is closer to $1.9 million. Are you frickin’ kidding me? For a supposive nonprofit? Are these explosive salaries addressed in Obamacare? Nope. If healthcare is deserved by everyone – why is it that a man that resides in a whole state that has less than a million people makes 2x that in a salary? The Sanford board – of which he pretty much hand picks – sets his salary. Sickening!

  14. Sanford’s building a separate new facility for the Skyforce. How will the money going into that venture affect the ability/probability of major Sanford involvement in the new events center?

  15. Elaine – I kinda wondered about that myself.

    As for Kelby’s salary, I think that is low-ball. You have no idea what his benefits and dividend package is.

    Funny story, Kelby bought me a drink years ago at Nutty’s. He gave me this big speech about being a ‘regular guy’ At the time, I didn’t even know who he was. But when I think back on it, it reminded me of a Huether speech.

    Dork – I only delete your comments when you are being a dork. Remember, I’m the boss.

  16. How long until we change the name of our city to Sanford Falls, I ask. Please let me know, because I will have to order new stationary and return address stickers then …

  17. Sigh – non-profit simply means there are no stock holders and NO DIVIDENDS. All revenuess are paid out against expenses (inlcuding salaries) or rolled back into the business (new buildings, etc.) period.

    So K Krabs gets NO DIVIDENDS – NO STOCK OPTIONS – these things do not exist in a non-profit. There are no “investors” or stockholders. His entire compensation is in direct salary (also known as cash), or in “perks” (company car/plane and so on.)

  18. Thanks for the clarification. From what I hear, $1.9 million is only about half of what this man truly makes off of grossly high healthcare. Seriously – when you make that much money – you have PLENTY to contribute to stock, dividends, etc. Sorry – he has to seriously hate when his compensation is published when he supposively works for a “nonprofit.” Give me a break.

  19. Alice “what you hear” is probably wrong. Once again – ther are no “stocks” or “dividends” in a non-profit. There is ONLY salary. Period. Nothing else that is exchangeable for anything else of value. Any other “compensation” would come in the form of things like business related transportation or maye a family health care insurance policy.

    And again – the term “non-profit” does NOT mean that the business operation itself cannot take in more than it spends (profit), or that it has to be cheap, or cheaply operated. It simply means that that revenue CANNOT go into the pocket of an investor – as THERE ARE NO INVESTORS – i.e., there are no “owners” of the business.

  20. PS – as my tax acountant and former health care adminsitrator mother reminds me – the accounting/books of all non-profits are ALWAYS open to the public. All you need to do is write and request a current financial statement from them and you WILL get it. There are no secrets.

  21. Ruf – Thanks for the clarification. I was reminded of this last night. But you are right, there still may be ‘perks’.

  22. I wonder how much the plane cost, considering that it was used so he could view every single game of his kid’s college career. In fact, I seem to recall an incident where it was needed to aid in some natural disaster but he had it in Wisconsin.

  23. I don’t think so rufusx. I have a pretty good pulse and as a Dr. stated to me last night at our kid’s b-ball game – $1.9 million probably is a mere shadow of what it truly is including now the health system in ND.

  24. Alice makes a good point, you can write into you contract anything you want. His vehicles, mortgage, etc, could all be included in his pay. There is ways around disclosing the TRUE pay.

  25. Not correct – every DIME that in any way finds it way intoi the “benefits” column to the CEO is publuc information., Non-profits are required by law to open their books to anyone who asks. I would say – rather than speculate about which you do not know, just ask them to show you their books. They CANNOT refuse.

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