Read this proposed ordinance change to consuming alcohol in public places, (dinky)Â and tell me if it isn’t crazy, especially this part;
on any private property without the consent of the owner
Huh? If I am drinking a beer in my friend’s back yard, I need permission from him, or from the SFPD, the city’s code enforcement office or the city council? Maybe I need to ask permission before I take a shit?
While I am all for curbing wild drinking parties in public parks, this ordinance seems to go a bit far. I’m going to drink beer in my house, in my garage, on my driveway, in my backyard and in my hot tub, and if you don’t like it, GFY!
Agenda item: http://docs.siouxfalls.org/sirepub/mtgviewer.aspx?meetid=1650&doctype=AGENDA
Guess I won’t have problem because I am the Big Guy. People invite me into their homes and businesses then worship me with cases and kegs.
Don’t I wish…
The ordinance gave me a thought. If I walk in a bar, do I have to ask the owner or manager for a permission to drink? Would that be asinine?
Actually BG – you DO have to “ask permission” of a bar owner to have a drink. In exchange for which – he/she is liable to require a “bribe” (price you pay for said drink) as well as some identification verifying your legal age to beserved said drink. Now, the owner MAY have delegated authority to his/her employee to grant said permission on his/her behalf in substitute for asking directly, but ultimately, the bar owner him/herself is the RESPONSIBLE person (authorized by the state via a liquor license) for permitting you to drink in his/her bar.
BTW – technically, alcohol is a “controlled substance”.
Ruf – so you are saying the above sentence has to do with establishments that sell alcohol and NOT private citizens homes? Then why not just say that in the ordinance. Seems a little silly to me.
maybe this is meant to control the drunks that leave their liquor bottles on people’s lawns by the banquet or the mission.
So….I can not walk down the block to my neighbor’s house with an open can of beer?
Don’t these people have more important issues to deal with????
I wonder how the adult softball leagues will feel about this?!?!
scott has a good point, and that may the reason for this change, can’t wait to hear the explanation on Monday.
The law is to target bums from drinking on the back steps or parking lots of businesses. The public consumption law only targets sidewalks, roads and other public property. Right now there is no law for Rufus to buy a CAMO Beer from gen-n-go then pound it down in their lot or on their property out back.
Section 5-9. No person shall consume any alcoholic beverage while (1) on a public street, highway, alley, sidewalk, boulevard, or any place commonly and customarily open to or used by the general public.
So where does this leave all of the downtown businesses with sidewalk cafes that serve alcohol? (Bros., Minerva’s, Stoogez, The Copper Lounge, Parker’s, Skelley’s, etc…)
The two block reconstruction of Phillips Avenue that took place a couple of years ago was financed by the taxpayers not the private businesses that were the recipients of those “bump-outs”! The bump-outs are PUBLIC PROPERTY, as are the SIDEWALKS in front of the businesses.
This is not related to the proposed ordinance, but I don’t believe that these businesses can require anyone who would like to sit in these bump-out areas to purchase anything.
EX: I would be interested in knowing how every summer Bros. can have a sign posted at the entrance to their sidewalk cafe that reads “Private Property”. The area between the Federal Courthouse and the businesses to the north is Public Property!!!
I get the point of protecting something like a Get-N-Go in prohibiting Joe Bagadonuts from downing a Schlitz in their parking lot – but once again – we are now creating a law that effects many, many different things – such as businesses that have outdoor patios, softball leagues, block parties, etc., where in the past – have not created much of a ruckus. Seriously – when does this crap stop? Is this ordinance really broken or are we – once again – fixing something that is not broken?
“……..While I am all for curbing wild drinking parties in public parks, this ordinance seems to go a bit far. I’m going to drink beer in my house, in my garage, on my driveway, in my backyard and in my hot tub, and if you don’t like it, GFY!…….
Amen to that!!! I have 8500 good reasons why I can drink wherever the fuck I want on my property. That is what I paid in real estate taxes and mortgage interest last year. Plus, I would miss out on all of the male bonding that my neighbor and his beer can-welded-to-his-hand cousin provide me with on warm summer nights. Mrs. Jew says it reminds her of King of the Hill when I’m hoosing with the neighbors.
Gawd, I am so glad I left South Dakota. What a fucking pinhead place to live.
Well, I have seen in action a certain cigar bar owner treat the entire area in front of his shithole as his property. Not only was an undesirable told to get lost, but we had our beers taken away because we had the nerve to actually talk to his person.
I live in one of the large apartment complexes in Sioux Falls, it is a nice, well kept up place, but I really wish there was something that could be done about rowdy drinkers in the daytime, early evening, whenever. They don’t seem to realize that if they are having a booze party on their patio, or in the yard, that their boisterous partying, swearing, etc., so loudly that it can be heard even with my windows shut and the air on. I have always been told that you shouldn’t call the police unless it is late at night. But even in the day time the noise gets annoying.
First off – Fuck Stogeez!
Secondly – ‘The area between the Federal Courthouse and the businesses to the north is Public Property!!!’
You better look into that deeper CR, I could have sworn someone told me a few years ago that the new office building behind them and the patio are owned by Hazard. I may be wrong, but I think they had to buy that property once the street was closed. As I understand it, the Feds rent any office space.
Joan – All I can say to that is to find a new place to live or own your own home. There are many apartments in SF that offer ‘quiet’ living.
Here’s another: If your tree in your yard dies, the city can force you to replace it with an equal. Let them make these silly rules. There’s no way they can enforce. Courts do not recognize their government & they have no way to collect fines or get a judgement without the court.
Be careful. SFPD will come into your neighborhood and fire off 70 rounds if you’re carrying a beer. It happened before. 5 Barney’s emptied clips and even reloaded .
Only mayor, council, directors, marxists & Smith’s can drink in their own yard. The rest of us have star of David on our sleeves.
Funny, this item got ‘postponed’ on the informational meeting agenda. Hmmmmm.
Hey Plaintiff Guy!How-fucking-dare you try to compare this piss ant ordinance with an event that led to the death of a human being. He wasn’t carrying a beer, he was pointing his gun at the police. And WTF is with you associating this with the Holocaust? Are you that wrapped up in your puny “victory” that you’ve started associating your plight with those of the Jewish people circa 1940? Really? Really? Millions of people died in the course of WWII… you got to keep your concrete pad after wasting untold amounts of everyone’s money defending your “rights”. Totally the same thing. No. Really.. it’s just like that. Only not.
You continually don’t know what the fuck you are talking about, and we all wish you would shut the fuck up and go away already.
No.. really… go away.
PG / PL – I will have to agree with AG on this one. Enough of the f’ing Hitler references and the Jews. I think this has more to do with greed and power not hate. Well maybe the rich hate the poor? I don’t think so, since we make all of their money for them.