South DaCola

The city wants to curb drinking, ON YOUR OWN PROPERTY! (H/T – Shrimp Taco)


Read this proposed ordinance change to consuming alcohol in public places, (dinky) and tell me if it isn’t crazy, especially this part;

on any private property without the consent of the owner

Huh? If I am drinking a beer in my friend’s back yard, I need permission from him, or from the SFPD, the city’s code enforcement office or the city council? Maybe I need to ask permission before I take a shit?

While I am all for curbing wild drinking parties in public parks, this ordinance seems to go a bit far. I’m going to drink beer in my house, in my garage, on my driveway, in my backyard and in my hot tub, and if you don’t like it, GFY!


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