Even Kenny Anderson won’t be skating through.

See the rest of the candidates here.

I heard yesterday that not only was De Knudson trying to recruit people to run against Kermit, but some of the city councilors were trying to recruit people also to run against Kermit. I guess fiscal responsibility, integrity, openness, transparency and honesty scare the crap out of some of our councilors, well I know it does, since they have broken state open meeting laws several times to git’ R’ done.


8 Thoughts on “The petitions are in, everyone has a challenger in the city council race

  1. Charlie on February 25, 2012 at 8:00 am said:

    Higher ups at Premier Bankcard were circulating Knudson’s petition for signatures in the office the other day. For anyone who didn’t know, her husband is on Premier’s Board of Directors.

  2. For anyone who didn’t know, her husband is on Premier’s Board of Directors.

    Did not know that. Thanks for the heads up. ANYTHING that circulates at First Premier Bankcard has only one qualifier. Scamming the public. Go Kermit.

  3. I kinda figured De would have to circulate her petitions to all of her rich and connected friends, no surprise. We all know that a city council election will not have the same turnout as the EC vote and this will be to Kermit’s advantage. His supporters show up. De’s south enders will be at home watching Survivor.

  4. BTW, if you just want to insult me in the comments section, bring it on, but have a little evidence as to why I am ‘pathetic’, otherwise I will just delete your comments. Remember, this is MY BLOG, I’m the boss.

  5. You are the boss…love that. It’s your web hosting bill. I don’t mind being called an idiot either…just use some facts like my wife does when she points out I’m being dumb. I might just agree with you.

    Keep it up my usually entertaining, occassionally offensive friend.

  6. Johnny Roastbeef on February 26, 2012 at 6:34 pm said:

    Thanks Boss! Keep up the good work.

  7. JR – You are kinda the boss to 🙂

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