South DaCola

The Ugly Table #63-64

I.D. Please

As she was trying to find her license her birth control pills flew out of her purse onto the table. Her face turned red and she smiled at me.

And I said, “Proper ID please.”

S. L. Ehrisman (c) 2/24/12

I could write a book to . . .

$54 dollar tab

$45 coupon

$9 on credit card

$3 cash tip

I asked the table if there was something wrong with my service. And one of the gentlemen said, “No. But I appreciate your honesty. You are proud of the service you give.”

Then as I turn the corner walking away he says to the rest of the table, “I told you I could write a book about this place.”

In which I almost turned around and said, “And I could write a book about the cheap unappreciative people that I have to wait on, like yourself, but instead I just think I will make you the subject of another entry of The Ugly Table.

S. L. Ehrisman (c) 2/24/12


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