Gotta love it when a devout Christian(?) and a devout Morman (whatever that means join forces in Vegas.
Closer to the stage stood Romney-backing lawmakers, along for the ride and to offer testimonials. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) gave a short introduction, while Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) looked on with a grin.
Ironic Johnny certainly isn’t working for South Dakota in Sin City. He is in Las Vegas promoting Mitt Romney. Wow, talk about being disconnected. He was also with Issa who is another Republican’t with a checkered past.
So John, when is Mitt going to announce you as his VP running mate?
Will state lawmakers also pass a resolution asking the book of Mormon be taught in schools?
I thought Grimm’s fairytales were already a part of the curriculum?
He was at a meet and greet with Vegas show girls in a casino…….what more could a guy ask for? And with Mitt Romney……a dream come true no doubt.
Probably brought him back to the oldin’ days when Mormons had multiple wives.
Romney – Thune in 2012 …. “The Greasers are back”
The Thune-Bags are back.
I cannot wait to see those two in their 1986 “Top Gun” brown bomber jackets, blue jeans, and chambray blue shirts. Campaigning across America together and a part,
claiming to have the values and interests in mind of middle and working class Americans, while all the time they are nothing but tools for the corporatist and the 1 %.
Thune sold his soul a long time ago, but I am still baffled he supports Romney. Something is going on there.
Romney is planning to use Thune to battle Obama’s youth.
He will also have Thune campaign his heart out in Minnesota and Iowa to hopefully turn these states
Republican in 2012, and thus make it harder for Obama to garner the 270 votes he will need to win the electoral college.