South DaCola

Does Ysbrand have a shot at beating Karsky?

(H/T to the Big ‘B’ for coming up with this parody sign)

Actually, I think he does. After talking to James last night after the debate, he told me he has been knocking on doors like crazy and gets support by most of the people he talks to. He kinda said their is some mistrust of Dean (yah think). While I don’t think he is a strong candidate, I do know he is not bought and paid for by the elite of Sioux Falls and I can honestly say that he wants to do the ‘people’s work’.


(Important note; There was a joint Lincoln County/SF city council meeting last night at 7 PM, so the incumbents couldn’t make the Tea Party debate right away, BUT, Jamison and Anderson did show about half way through and participate in the debate, but NO Karsky.)

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