Cory needs to work on his spelling skills a bit, I’m just saying. Geez, if he can spell his own last name, he should at least be able to spell Republican.

You know what I say about electing ‘smart’ people to office. I don’t care if you are a prominent attorney or a doughnut maker, I at least want you to be able to make intelligent decisions and intelligent statements about those decisions.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “Hey, I am not the greatest speller either, but . . .”
  1. By hitting the “ignore” button on the spell check, Cory shows he doesn’t care what the mainstream thinks. This is the kind of outside the box thinking we need in city hall!

  2. Doesn’t matter. If he’ll dance for the 3 amigo developers, Lutz can take the ballots home and make him elected.

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