How appropriate, another mistake is taking place today by city hall;

The first bonds for the project will be sold on Tuesday.  Finance Director Tracy Turbak says this first sale will raise more than $100 million for the Events Center.  All of the ones to be sold on Tuesday will be tax-exempt.  The city will hold a second sale of bonds for the project later in the year.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “In other news, the city of SF takes out the biggest bond in history today”
  1. The brokerage needs to know they can’t sue when the city defaults. I’ll fedex and stop by to give them the 411.

  2. I heard they came in at 3.1%. So I am glad they waited to buy. Just too bad, it is a bad plan, bad location, and bad way to fund the place.

  3. Unfortunately Huether must commit public funds fraud before he gets the Blogovich 14 years. Incidently, Blogo gets the cavity search and perp walk into federal prison today.

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