But you wouldn’t know who that is by reading the story on Stormland TV’s website. Maybe because the story is sponsored by the car dealership that is being investigated? 🙂

But if you read the original story, you will see it is Billion Automotive. No criticism of Billion, this kind of crap happens all the time in the car dealership world. Probably not the first investigation or the last, BUT, why wouldn’t KELO mention there name?

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Local car dealership gets investigated by the FTC. (H/T – CW)”
  1. That is hilarious. They probably didn’t mention Billion by name because the AP story didn’t mention the individual dealerships in each state, and they didn’t pursue the story.

  2. I did notice it was an AP story after I posted this. But when Billion’s ad is the example they show on the main page of the FTC story, you wonder why they were not mentioned?

  3. I’d love to give Kelo the benefit of the doubt and claim this was merely lazy reporting, but considering the ad revenue they collect from Billion it is much more likely this is by design.

    This is big news – this is the first time the FTC has ever went after car dealers for this type of deceptive advertising and the biggest dealership that was cited is based right here in “Keloland” yet they don’t say a peep about it?

    KSFY did a few different stories on it and mentioned Billion. The Argus finally did the same. Kelo seems to steal every other story from the Argus so I guess they just forgot to pay their monthly fee for Argus access this month??

    Indepedent, trusted, unbiased media? Not KELO.

  4. The Argus changed its arrangement with the AP so that original Argus reports that get picked up by the AP may not be used by local TV stations.
    The FTC car dealer story was written by national AP staff. The AP writer did name the car dealers. KELO cut off the story before getting to the names.

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