The mayor of Sioux Falls has over $3 million dollars sitting in the ‘The Mike Cindy and Kylie Huether Family Foundation’. I was told by a friend that many of the elite in Sioux Falls do this to show off to their friends. Not sure what they plan on doing with the money, but if I had a charity that needed some help, I would go out and take some tennis lessons, then give him a call.

18 Thoughts on “Need some money for your local charity? Ask the mayor.

  1. scott on March 27, 2012 at 7:22 pm said:

    Perhaps MMM is saving up to name the events center after himself.

  2. I suspect Huether believes he’s owed a building or two named after him.

  3. I see they built a couple of new Parks and Rec utility sheds last year, maybe that is an opportunity for him?

  4. D.E. Bishop on March 28, 2012 at 1:17 pm said:

    Pretty funny DL.

  5. Muqhtar on March 29, 2012 at 9:18 am said:

    Does the sewage treatment plant have a name? I’m sure they could work a deal.

  6. Perfect!

  7. Pathloss on March 29, 2012 at 3:59 pm said:

    It’s a tax scam. You pay yourself as non-profit director. Lots of write-offs for travel, mileage, entertainment. Doesn’t have to be paid out just associated then disbursed as fantom business expenses. Common practice and legal. Unlike other Huether public funds fraud. Valuable for IRS audit because proving justification can cost a bundle forcing him to make tax settlement offers. In other words, can cost more than the shelter you thought you had.

  8. Pathloss on March 29, 2012 at 4:24 pm said:

    Best way to take down Huether is tax audits. I know someone at the IRS. When I was divorced, I had her lawyer audited 3 years. He was taking inventory out of a store I owned as payment for fees. Ruined his business and he forgave 10k I owed when I threatened to have him disbarred. What goes around comes around and most often justice doesn’t come from the courts.

  9. scott on March 29, 2012 at 4:51 pm said:

    Imagaine the tears that would flow at that audit!

  10. Had a funny convo with a couple of retired businessmen today in Fargo. They used to sell meats to SF restaurants. They were asking me how Denny T. made all his money, and I told them about FP and the Federal regs because of them, I also told them about Huether and his role. Then they asked about the EC being built DT, and how stupid it would be to build it anywhere else. I told them how that turned out. They just shook their heads.

  11. anominous on March 29, 2012 at 10:36 pm said:

    “I hereby dedicate this building to… myself!”

  12. Muq- That is funny. I think the citizens of San Francisco or LA put that on the ballot, naming their mayor after the sewage treatment plant. What an honor? Huh?

  13. Pathloss on March 31, 2012 at 12:30 pm said:

    South Dakota is ranked 2nd most corrupt state after Georgia with an overall rating of ‘F’.

    If cities were ranked, Sioux Falls would certainly be F minus or zero. Except for the quality of life, midwest values people, and the best VA Hospital in the country; I’m starting to ask myself why I live here. I’d like to incite change but (apparently) I’m alone fighting to preserve democracy.

  14. l3wis on April 1, 2012 at 11:59 am said:

    I saw that.

  15. Jeni on April 1, 2012 at 5:55 pm said:

    People create foundations, so that they do not get an endless supply of appeal letters, phone calls etc. By creating a foundation through an organization, such as the Sioux Fall Community Foundation, the SFCF handles the business aspect of the donations made.

    Sort of like a bank that offers the PayBill feature. I have an account at a bank. It is so much easier and efficent for me to have the bank complete a check and send it to whom I want the check to go to on my behalf rather than me sending a check.

    You can complain all you want about people who donate to charitiable causes, whether it is Mr. Sanford, Mr. Huether, your neighbor, or and many others, but I appreciate their generosity. They do not have to donate their money, nor do they have to donate their money to local causes. They can just as easily donate to causes outside of SD.

  16. l3wis on April 2, 2012 at 11:07 am said:

    Jeni – I think it is wonderful that Huether has that kind of wealth to give to charities. At least he is doing something positive with the money he earned with crooked CC schemes.

  17. Jeni on April 4, 2012 at 9:33 pm said:

    l3wis, in your perception it was “crooked,” but it was certainly not illegal. The credit card company owners/stock holders are responsible for the interest rates, not the employees. That is like blaming a bank teller for people paying high interest and other fees for house or car loans.

    There are people making a heap of money from the legal loan sharks, like we see on almost every business block in Sioux Falls, but no one seems to raise a fuss about that. Why the discrepency?

  18. l3wis on April 5, 2012 at 12:35 am said:

    Jeni – Well, it is illegal now. I’ll let that speak for itself.

    As for your ‘not my fault’ argument that falls short. Mike wasn’t a $10 an hour customer service rep, he was the VP of marketing, he knew the interest rates, he knew the financial benefits. I almost find your argument grossly ridiculous.

    As for loan sharks, I agree with you, thieves. But 2 wrongs don’t make a right.

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