South DaCola

Nielson releases poll on economic confidence

South Dakota Voters Express Increasing Confidence in their Personal Economic Situation

In a February survey, when Nielson Brothers Polling asked South Dakota registered voters about their personal economic situation, 41 percent responded that they are “more confident” than they were at this time last year. 29 percent are “less confident,” and 30 percent answer “about the same.” These answers show a significant rise in confidence compared to the December 2011 NBP survey in which 23 percent said “more confident,” while 49 percent said “less confident,” and 28 percent said “about the same”.

When NBP asked for views on the national economy, respondents expressed a more modest increase in optimism. 57 percent of South Dakota voters describe the U.S. economy as “excellent” or “good,” compared with 54 percent in the December. More specifically, in the February NBP poll, 8 percent said the nation’s economy is “excellent,” 49 percent said “good, 30 percent said “fair”, and 13 percent said “poor.” In the December 2011 NBP Survey, 12 percent said “excellent.” 42 percent said “good,” 26 percent said “fair,” and 20 percent said “poor.”

Personally I still think we are in a strange holding pattern, and will be for awhile.


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