March 2012

Think Code Enforcement is bad in Sioux Falls?

This code enforcement story will make you cringe;

David Englett of Crowley, Texas is being charged after he didn’t pay a series of Arlington city fines for, among other things, not mowing the lawn of a home he had already lost to foreclosure.

Yup, you heard right. A home he doesn’t own. WOW!

It reminds me a bit of the Dan Daily case, when they couldn’t make the concrete pad infraction stick, the city made up other infractions. I think all of the code enforcement officers need to take an extended break at the Skate Park.

I had to laugh at Patrick Lalley’s column the other day in the Non-Free online Newspaper complaining about tree trimming. Funny how 1) I brought to attention the insanity of Project TRIM a few years back 2) He thinks snowgates are silly, but he is tired of the city harassing him about tree trimming. Sorry, Pat, but they are in the same category. City services, that’s what we pay taxes for. They own the trees, they should trim them. They also own the ends of our driveways, they should clean them.

Break time at the skate park

A South DaCola foot soldier sent me this, this morning. Apparently they took the picture at 7 AM and when they drove by an hour later they were still sitting there in the same spots. What we don’t know is how long they were there before 7 AM and how long they were there after 8 AM. Kinda reminds me of the sander truck driver who takes his ‘break’ hiding behind the can recycling building on my street. I see him there all the time, or the guy I would see a few summer’s ago who would read a novel while watering ONE tree at a time at Yankton Trail Park (because when you have a huge water truck like that you can only run one, 1″ hose at a time 🙂

We don’t need no stinking parking!

(Image; KDLT-TV, screenshot)

Love watching Mike Sullivan explain parking at the proposed Events Center site;

“You can find one, go around the parking lot. Granted, it may not be right next to the door but there’s definitely a parking spot,” said Mike Sullivan.

Yeah, it might be next to the Legion or Casa Del Ray, but hey, at least you have a parking spot.

Surprised Huether didn’t come climbing out from underneath that booth behind him to assist in the bullshit fest.