Recognize that smile? Kinda looks like he inherited it from the Quen Be. Oh, because he did.
Okay, so you got this crazy right-wing, Mr. Family Values (though he is not) Manny Steele in District 12. And, he likes to talk about guns and wombs and how gays are destroying our society. He also is looking for Obama’s birth certificate.
So what Democrat would you put up against him? A flaming liberal. No, that wouldn’t be such a good idea, that, and they don’t exist in SD. How about a guy whose parents were once Dems, became Republicans when the money got better, but still act like moderate independents?
Well the campaign mode is in full swing in the Knudson house (not Dave this time, even though they are using his campaign designs) But Mike Knudson, his son, is running in District 12, as a Democrat, against Manny Steele.
If elected Mike, don’t get caught watching TV on the House floor.