South DaCola

Someone else’s fault

I received new information today that the school district employee that was thrown under the bus at Monday’s SF city council informational meeting was probably not surprised by the accusations. The city has a reputation of blaming others when things go awry in city elections.

Here is some crucial information to keep in mind;

1) It was not the school official’s MAIN job or priority to deliver ballots to precincts (only to assist). Which makes sense. The city and school district hires people to help with elections. Directors and managers (and city councilors) should NOT be doing that stuff, they should be directing and managing.

2) They did not have that many ballots in their vehicle (as the city has been claiming) only backups.

I also find it ironic the city refuses to mention the school district employee’s name. If you are going to make accusations at least tell us who it is, otherwise, what’s the point? Maybe the clerk’s office doesn’t want us questioning that official and getting their side of the story. Well some people have been contacting her, and she does have a different version.

Who knows who is telling the truth? Like most government officials, it is ‘SOMEONE ELSE’S FAULT.’

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