(I will be posting a series written by a guest about the election process. This is Part I)
Let’s be honest, how many of us really understand what is going on in our city hall? We think we know some parts but we question why other stupid things keep happening. This confusion is not accidental it actually is conspiratorial. Sit back and let me explain.
A long time ago (1964) a man and movement was defeated in their quest for the presidency of the United States.  You may ask, “what does this have to do with the Sioux Falls City Hall mess?â€
More to come . . .
Waiting for you to channel Barry Goldwater on the Sioux Falls situation. His brand of conservatism is not the converatism of today’s GOP. I’m guessing he could not win a statewide election in Arizona today and he’d a reluctant supporter of Ron Paul in this presidential election cycle. But I’m looking forward to reading Part 2.
There are many ghosts of the past to channel in this story. More to come…
Mark – I am looking forward to it to. I think(?) it has to do with the nationwide movement to make it harder for people to vote. The last election’s ballot debacle may not have been accidental . . .
Detroit — Ah. I guess I’ll stay tuned… Looks like testor15 might be our guest author (or at least very much in on the story.)
The 1964 election started the media age of FEARmongering in political ads. Worked real well for Johnson vs Goldwater.
Worked real well for “W” vs Cheney in 04.
Worked real well for our man mike swaying the valley girls with nicki ellerbroeck telling us it’s for the children….or else.
You would have to ask him. I lose track of all of you sometimes
Poly – Everyone knows the GW Bush ad was total BS, they show a picture of him reading at the end, yeah, whatever.
Not everyone knows it was BS l3wis. If they did, “W” would have lost in ’04. First, they swiftboated Kerry, then they went after the soccer moms using the wolves at the door ready to eat their children. It happens with EVERY election. They chip away at every families vulnerability. Their children. Whether it’s wolves at the door, or mushroom clouds while counting petals, or kids being denied their GOD given right to see justin bieber in their own backyard.
Elections are not won and lost on merit…they are won and lost with fearmongering.
Most are a variation of this theme…to some degree or another.
Oh, I know, I have the 2nd post follow up right now, but it is in the hopper. Good stuff. Khrist, Poly you already practically wrote it.