Don’t Kill Kenny*
As you may or may not know, with a new council comes the appointment / election of a new council chair and co-chair.
There really isn’t any rules as to who can be nominated chair and co-chair. From what I can remember ANY councilor can nominate any other councilor for the position, and it must get a second, then they vote on the nominations.
If you go by progression, either Jamison or Anderson ‘SHOULD’ be nominated for the position(s) I have even suggested that Staggers (who has more experience coming into the job then any of the councilors, should be nominated).
What I would like to see is either Jamison or Anderson as council chair, and Staggers as co-chair.
Then there is Erpenbach. Michelle currently is co-chair, and I think she desires to be Chair. Unfortunately, Michelle probably has the votes to become chair, of course this depends on a number of factors, I still think Rolfing and Karsky will be ‘swing’ voters leaning towards Erpenbach.
As I understand it right now, only two are vying for the job, Anderson and Erpenbach.
IMO, I still blame Erpenbach (Entenman, Huether) for the Debra Owen debacle. We should want to keep Michelle as far away from leadership as possible.
(*Kenny is a character from South Park who gets killed in almost every episode)