April 2012

Who is ‘Rightfully’ inline for SF city council leadership?

Don’t Kill Kenny*

As you may or may not know, with a new council comes the appointment / election of a new council chair and co-chair.

There really isn’t any rules as to who can be nominated chair and co-chair. From what I can remember ANY councilor can nominate any other councilor for the position, and it must get a second, then they vote on the nominations.

If you go by progression, either Jamison or Anderson ‘SHOULD’ be nominated for the position(s) I have even suggested that Staggers (who has more experience coming into the job then any of the councilors, should be nominated).

What I would like to see is either Jamison or Anderson as council chair, and Staggers as co-chair.

Then there is Erpenbach. Michelle currently is co-chair, and I think she desires to be Chair. Unfortunately, Michelle probably has the votes to become chair, of course this depends on a number of factors, I still think Rolfing and Karsky will be ‘swing’ voters leaning towards Erpenbach.

As I understand it right now, only two are vying for the job, Anderson and Erpenbach.

IMO, I still blame Erpenbach (Entenman, Huether) for the Debra Owen debacle. We should want to keep Michelle as far away from leadership as possible.


(*Kenny is a character from South Park who gets killed in almost every episode)


Ammonia laced beef product, not only is it safe, it’s tasty, just ask Snooki Noem

(Image: The Daily Show)

Gotta love Noem, there ain’t a lobbyist she won’t let influence her;

The letter does not detail what specific information FSIS needs to address, but says that LFTB-maker Beef Products Inc.’s “award winning trade record” and food safety record have gone unnoticed by critics “leading the campaign of misinformation.”

Thirty members, including Steve King (R-IA), Tom Latham (R-IA) Joe Barton (R-TX), Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) and Kristi Noem (R-SD), signed the letter, which can be viewed via the American Meat Institute website here.

This is an interesting TIMELINE of Pink Slime. I loved how the stuff got it’s name;

USDA microbiologist Gerald Zirnstein tours a BPI plant as part of an investigation into recent contamination. He coins the term “pink slime” in an email to colleagues, adding, “I do not consider the stuff to be ground beef, and I consider allowing it in ground beef to be a form of fraudulent labeling.”

Well, if that is the case, we better change the labels of most of the food on our grocery store shelves.