I just got back from Kermit’s home where there was celebrating going on. I would also like to congratulate the other winners tonight. Todd Thoelke and Kate Parker for school board and Greg Jamison and Kenny Anderson Jr. for city council. And of course Kermit, who proved you can run a grassroots campaign on a shoestring and shutdown the money players in town. This was an important win.

I think something I took from this election was the lack of polling, and how actual campaigning played a part. Knudson chose to spend money on the airwaves and robo calls, where Staggers went down the tried and tested road of ACTUALLY talking to constituents. Which worked.

I will confess, low voter turnout worked in Kermit’s favor. Why? His supporters are vigilant people who pay attention to the issues. But there were other factors that played a part;

• Many people are concerned about the developers running this town, more and more everyday

• People want the EC to built within budget, our mayor promised us that, and they know Kermit will hold his feet to the fire

• Buyer’s remorse on the mayoral election (I hear this one a lot).

Whatever the reason, I would like to thank everyone who voted today and supported Kermit. I know he truly appreciates it.

By l3wis

15 thoughts on “The Money Machine was shut down tonight!”
  1. For all of the stories we read about how this town is bought & sold – both here and on other news sites – I am glad to see a victory for… people. I am glad to see that you can’t buy and sell government this time. Hopefully this idea will keep working.

  2. Oh, funny thing happened at Kermit’s. Kermit decided not to return to his house tonight until all the results came in, so the media was hanging out. The KSFY videographer was getting nervous about being able to edit a clip in time for the 10 PM news, so I volunteered to pretend to be Kermit for an interview (I was wearing a skully cap like Kermit does). Hilarious!

  3. What is the effect on city hall now considering Charter Amendment A went down?
    Vote for up to 1
    Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,819 46.02%
    No. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,653 53.98%

  4. I could never find anyone who could explain Charter Amendment A. It was very badly written and the attorney’s explanation was its equal. There was a lot of wiggle room for wrong doing in it.

  5. l3wis. Your 3 bullet points above are right on. The near 15,000 voters who showed up yesterday I would guess were a more informed voter group that voted MMM in. Also, as I waited outside for the group of seniors I drove to the polls, one element was markedly absent that I seen at the last election. NO VALLEY GIRLS AND GUYS. I guess they were too busy loading the latest justin bieber app to their smart phones.

    Also noticed that with about half the centers accounted for last night, Kermit enjoyed his largest margin of the lead. About 2 to 1. The last half I would guess was about 50-50, or maybe even a slight margin to the big money gamblers. Will be interesting to see how this broke down, center by center.

    Diamond Jim and Rex should see this as a wakeup call. Same for Aguilar and Erpenbach. What leaves me scratching my head tho is the margin of victory for Karsky. It makes no sense.

  6. In 2014 four more councilors put their jobs out for public vote. Aguilar, from the SE district appears at this point to be in the safest position to be re-instated. All she’ll need is a 30 second endorsement from Nicki Ellerbroek and the promise of justin bieber in the brandy spanky new Sanford McArena and she’s home free in the SE. Rolfing and Entenman, both at large, and Erpenbach, central, better start listening to the people they represent or…THEY ARE GONE.

  7. I would love to be a fly on the wall in MMM’s office today as well as the Coop’s office, their heads have to be exploding and I can’t wait for the fireworks…

  8. If Mikey doesn’t appease the 3 amigo developers he’ll be wearing concrete shoes standing in 6″ of the Sioux River near his suicide steps. Where can I find a creme pie on saturday mornings before the listen and indoctrinate labotomy?

  9. This election was just to hard to rig. Lutz couldn’t take the ballots home. I suspect the state and/or feds are watching. Mikey and the gestapo are just to obvious. There’s plenty of corruption and public funds fraud evidence. I want to dance and taunt when they take their perp walk.

  10. Thanks Lewis. I’m travelling on business and came here for election coverage. It’s just to hard to delve the real story from TV and print media anymore. Ok, I’m crude but I am also the resistance. From here, I’ve discovered there are more like me. We smile in public but we’re subversive and always ready to support overthrowing city tyranny.

  11. I would love to be a fly on the wall in MMM’s office today

    The good mayor was way over confident in his selection of knutson…as evidenced by his off the wall remarks directed at Kermit at the DT river ramp demolition extravaganza.

  12. I could never find anyone who could explain Charter Amendment A.

    Underneath the lawyer wrapping it was nothing more than a mayoral power play to hoard contracting deals for himself. After all, it’s all about ME ME ME.

  13. I am so glad De lost. I got really tired of her robo calls. Give me a real live person so I can tell them what I think.

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