South DaCola

The monied elite in SF have given Knudson over $27,000 for her campaign


Even more shocking is that she has spent over $42,000 – RUNNING FOR A COUNCIL SEAT! For somebody who is simply running to block Staggers from being on the council again, this is frightening on many levels. It really shows how out of touch Knudson is with the average Joe (spending almost 3x times what the job pays in a year). This has to be a new record in city politics.


This proves two points I have made about running for office in Sioux Falls.

1) IT takes a lot of money, and that is why the average person doesn’t have a chance, even if they knock on many doors.

2) The elite businessmen and developers run this town, and they are not about to give up their power.

On a positive note though, if Staggers beats Knudson, he will prove that the money machine can be toppled.

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