South DaCola

Walmart resistance


I just finished watching the recent Sioux Falls Planning Commission meeting (FF to Item #15) in which they approved the Walmart construction project (it still needs to go to the council). The commission approved the project 4-2. Several people in the neighborhood of the proposed site, including representatives from SF Christian school, came to protest at the meeting. They made some good points;

• Walmart historically has more police calls a month then other retail stores like HyVee

• The store is in close proximity to a school

• Traffic will increase

• The lot is too small to accommodate the store

I feel for these people and their frustrations. I hate Walmart, they are one of the most deceptive retailers in the nation, and like the Quen Be De, I don’t shop there either.

But, they are within their legal rights to build at that location. It is zoned for exactly that kind of use, and that is probably why the commission approved the site.

As for traffic, welcome to the 21st century. Don’t know what else I can say about that. Also, if you buy a home built next to an empty lot zoned for commercial use, guess what, they might build something there like a Walmart.

As for SF Christian’s gripe about the ‘Children’. Last I checked parents CHOOSE to enroll their kids in that school. It is a private school. SF Public schools have open enrollment, you can enroll your kids in any school you want. If you don’t like your children being educated next to a Walmart, the power is in your hands to change that situation.

There is one issue where I do AGREE with the protesters (besides the fact that I hate Walmart) I think the lot is too small for their store and parking. They will literally be right up against all the other businesses around them. I think this should be the protesters biggest argument against the project, and I do know they have gotten some traction on that issue.

The fact remains though. If Walmart doesn’t build there, some other retailer will, that is what it is zoned for. Is the neighborhood going to fight every retailer that wants to build at that site?

As for city council approval, not sure if they will approve it or not. I know a number of councilors do agree with me on the lot being too small, but you have to realize the tax revenue generated from a Walmart is considerable, and they will take that into account.

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